Quote:Originally posted by NYxCalm
now if only JJ would implement a SS THAW cart system or some credit card processing company... hmm... :confused:
problem is JJ has to get one in canada and they are expensive and not really making enough to warrent the expenses for them.. but we have looked into them.. ;o)
So when you say ''we'' does JJ like pay you something for being a administrator and for being in Japan and all
Quote:Originally posted by AnimeInMe
So when you say ''we'' does JJ like pay you something for being a administrator and for being in Japan and all
Nah JJ don't pay me.. He just sends me DVD every now and then.. But i am more then the Administrator i am the one that actually writes the whole site. But i was refering we as i was looking into different things also why he was.. to try and make the site better for users.. Thats both our comitment.. so basically this is both our hobbies..
I've had some trouble with paypal but nothing big. But since I have no choice to use paypal here I have to keep using it .
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
I bought the second toriyama theater book from ebay. The seller said in the auction that the book was in japanese. I got in touch with him through email and he assured me that the book was in japanese. So I bid, I win and when it arrives the book is in [B]Chinese. One of the only times I have ever really wanted to hurt another person. [/B]
Seller didn't know the difference b/w
chinese and
japanese since both contain chinese words??? :confused: I would love to squeeze his intestines out and beat the juices out of him if it were to happen to me......
In auctions, I normally assume that the seller has no idea what he/she is selling. For example, instead of asking if a Playstation game is Japanese or Asian version, I just ask for a scan of the back of the case. And kakoi_sugoi_yama, sorry to hear about that. I think that the seller should at least try and figure out the difference between Japanese and Chinese before answering your question instead of just giving an uneducated guess... If for some reason he was unable to grasp this difference, he should at least tell you that he wasn't sure. Luckily, I have never been screwed out of too much money.
Heh....There's always the credit card company to the rescue!!!! :p
best to stick with Amazon in my books much better than eBay
though can be more pricey but much more reliable and helpfull (theyve refunded me before on a no post N64game)
I've gotten screwed once. this was when I first started using Ebay. It was for an action figure I believe and the guy was located somewhere in Asia. He wanted cash and me being the idiot that I am mailed it to him. Never saw those 30 bucks again. I learned my lesson ever since then.
I got a funny Ebay story for anyone that wants to listen. It's funny when you hear the end result. I'll try and make it as short as I can.
I bid and won on this auction for some comic books. It was only like $15, but I was trying to wait like 5 days until I got paid and was going to Paypal the guy. The guy sent me an email as soon as I won the auction. Then another one the next day. And then another one 2 days later threatening me. I was like "chill out, just because I didn't respond to you immediately doesn't mean I'm not going to honor my bid". then the guy wrote back and told me that if he didn't have his money in 3 days, he was gonna report me and leave me negative feedback. So I was like what a prick. At this point I didn't want to send him payment since he was being a prick and I wasn't sure if he'd send me the items. So I waited 2 days and left him negative feedback first. Yes, it was a dick move, but just like in war, strike first before they strike you. So the guy writes to me and is like, "You picked the wrong guy to mess with. I'm a lawyer and am going to sue you for slander". I wrote back and was like "Damn, you're not a very good lawyer if you have nothing better to do with your time than to sue someone over $15". I also told him to let me know how hard his colleagues laugh at him when he tells them that he's suing someone on Ebay over $15 worth of comic books. This is the really funny part. The guy leaves me feedback saying how I didn't pay and stuff. But he must have clicked on positive, since it was listed as positive feedback. So I wrote back to him thanking him for the positive feedback and told him I felt sorry for his clients.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
me being the idiot.
And that's the most interesting thing you could find in that entire post of mine? :confused:
no i thought that it may trigger your put down on me (trying ti induce the viciousness) coz
i'm known for my sharp wit cussing but for some reason i just cant do it on the net eg ICQ etc..
I do much better in person too than on the net. It just doesn't have the same delivery. Oh well.
And you can't bait me like that. Something has to tick me off or I honestly have to believe the person is that stupid in order for me to get started. and the fact that I know you're trying to bait me doesn't help any.
And don't make me do my entire Joe Pesci "How do I amuse you" speech from Goodfellas.

"But, I'm funny how? Funny like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to fuckin' amuse you?"
"How am I funny, like a clown? What is so funny about me? What the FUCK is so funny about me? Tell me. Tell me what's funny."