03-09-2004, 07:01 AM
03-09-2004, 09:11 AM
You're still a fuckin' idiot as far as I'm concerned. Anyone that needs to make retarded posts to increase their post counts to get an avatar needs to get a fuckin' life. You're right, you don't need to make friends, but it's called simple forum etiquette. OpOX and Batz finally stop postwhoring and now we get this idiot. Great.
03-09-2004, 10:00 AM
Hey, Vicious
I think your trademak "Vicious" comment has no effect on this kid what so ever. Are you getting old or what? Maybe it's time to retire that infamous name of yours. May I suggest new and improve name for you such as "Kind", "nice", "generous", "gentle"? If you prefer your name stay rhymed, then maybe you can choose from "precious", "caucious", and "grecious".
I can already feel the wrath of Vicious coming.................(hiding in the closet)
I think your trademak "Vicious" comment has no effect on this kid what so ever. Are you getting old or what? Maybe it's time to retire that infamous name of yours. May I suggest new and improve name for you such as "Kind", "nice", "generous", "gentle"? If you prefer your name stay rhymed, then maybe you can choose from "precious", "caucious", and "grecious".
I can already feel the wrath of Vicious coming.................(hiding in the closet)

03-09-2004, 10:09 AM
I think the username "Complete Asshole" would be much more fitting. I mean Jesus Crist give the kid a break already, it's not like the only reason he posts is to insult people, that job seems to be yours. 

03-09-2004, 10:10 AM
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
Hey, Vicious
I think your trademak "Vicious" comment has no effect on this kid what so ever. Are you getting old or what? Maybe it's time to retire that infamous name of yours. May I suggest new and improve name for you such as "Kind", "nice", "generous", "gentle"? If you prefer your name stay rhymed, then maybe you can choose from "precious", "caucious", and "grecious".
I can already feel the wrath of Vicious coming.................(hiding in the closet)![]()
I already figured that it's going to have no effect on him since he's living in his own little twilight zone there. Still doesn't mean that what he's doing is appreciated.
You've got it backwards. If I was getting old, then I would let it slide. But I'm not that grown up yet, so I still have to comment on it. Name change . . . Never!!!!! Plus none of those names that you came up with suit me or my personality.
03-09-2004, 10:14 AM
Quote:Originally posted by pugmagician
I think the username "Complete Asshole" would be much more fitting. I mean Jesus Crist give the kid a break already, it's not like the only reason he posts is to insult people, that job seems to be yours.![]()
I only insult those who are deserving. I'm sorry, did I miss a memo somewhere? As far as I know, due to his own admittance, he posts to increase his post counts. What am I supposed to give him a break for? Tell me!!!! What is there that I'm giving him a break for, being a moron or having no better goals in life than to increase his post counts? Give me a good reason otherwise butt out.
03-09-2004, 10:19 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I only insult those who are deserving. I'm sorry, did I miss a memo somewhere? As far as I know, due to his own admittance, he posts to increase his post counts. What am I supposed to give him a break for? Tell me!!!! What is there that I'm giving him a break for, being a moron or having no better goals in life than to increase his post counts? Give me a good reason otherwise butt out.
How about if you don't have anything nice don't say anythng at all, I guess your parents didn't teach you that. Maybe they sould've taken you over thier knee more when you where a child. I mean Christ yeah you might have gotten sick of it when others where spamming, but this kid isn't the other users, k. If you don't like Spam then don't read it move onto other topics. I mean how hard is it really to click out of the thread, must be pretty damn difficult for you. Also that points me to anoter good saying, act your age, not your shoe size.

03-09-2004, 10:45 AM
Quote:Originally posted by pugmagician
How about if you don't have anything nice don't say anythng at all, I guess your parents didn't teach you that. Maybe they sould've taken you over thier knee more when you where a child. I mean Christ yeah you might have gotten sick of it when others where spamming, but this kid isn't the other users, k. If you don't like Spam then don't read it move onto other topics. I mean how hard is it really to click out of the thread, must be pretty damn difficult for you. Also that points me to anoter good saying, act your age, not your shoe size.![]()
How about you follow your own advice. If you had nothing nice to say to me, how about you say nothing at all. I mean how hard is it really to click out of the thread, must be pretty damn difficult for you. In other words, start practicing what you preach. I hate hypocrites.
03-09-2004, 10:53 AM
lol, I find that very ammusing. You know what you're basicly doint when you post to insult someone, you are doing nothing but spamming. You aren't saying anything constructive once so ever, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
03-09-2004, 11:00 AM
Quote:Originally posted by pugmagician
lol, I find that very ammusing. You know what you're basicly doint when you post to insult someone, you are doing nothing but spamming. You aren't saying anything constructive once so ever, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Yet you're doing the same thing in partaking in it with me, so how does that make you any better? It doesn't. I've never said I'm the bigger person or that I'm not an asshole, so I don't know why you feel that somehow your posts or insults are going to get me to change my ways. The difference between me and him is that I've never posted simply to increase my post counts nor does my post count really make any difference to me. Also, I never initiate it. i.e. If his stupidity had not existed, I wouldn't be commenting on it.
03-09-2004, 11:09 AM
Maybe I'll make posts like this after everytime you act like an ass after someone says something you don't like. I really like the idea of giving someone such as you a dose of your own medicine. Also I don't think I insulted you 1/10 of as much in 3 posts that you did to AnimeInMe in one. And yes I know that this would be considered spamming, but see I don't care about spam at all. I'd be more likely to create a spam topic than to call someone a "fucking idiot" for doing it.
03-09-2004, 11:14 AM
That's fine. Whatever floats your boat. Post after everyone of my posts. Doesn't bother me none. You'll eventually get tired of it. You're like a little stupid kid that has nothing better to do than to follow me around since you obviously look up to me. Just be sure to maintain a 5 foot radius from me. I don't need little kids sticking too close to me.
What was that you said earlier? Act your age and not your shoe size? Uh-huh. Guess you only spew shit out your mouth that not even you yourself believe. Good to know what type of people I'm dealing with here. Unless your shoe size is a larger number than your age. In which case I apologize since you are acting your age and you wouldn't be a hypocrite at all.
What was that you said earlier? Act your age and not your shoe size? Uh-huh. Guess you only spew shit out your mouth that not even you yourself believe. Good to know what type of people I'm dealing with here. Unless your shoe size is a larger number than your age. In which case I apologize since you are acting your age and you wouldn't be a hypocrite at all.
03-09-2004, 11:24 AM
Man, you sure like to twist shit around to your way don't you. That doesn't bother me none though, because it way exactly what I expected to come out of your mouth. Since I'm only active in the forums about once ever few days, anybody that wasn't a "fucking idiot" would be able to know that I couldn't keep up with all the garbage you upchuck to new users and such. I believe that would be considered a human imposablity, I'll just call you a fucking retard or whatever whenever I see you insulting someone that doesn't deserve it, k.
03-09-2004, 11:31 AM
Where did I twist shit around? You never seem to answer any of my questions. I simply used what you yourself said against you. Let's try this an easier way.
Did you or did you not make that satement? You did.
And what would you say you're acting like now? An immature child.
Which would lead me to believe that you are acting closer to your shoesize than your actual age.
So did that statement you make only apply to others and not yourself? It would appear so.
So therefore we can assume that you are a hypocrite.
If you want to refute any of this evidence, then I welcome you to do so. If not, then I will just come to the conclusion that you are a retard that has absolutely no sense of logical reasoning on top of being a hypocrite.
Follow me litle doggie. Fetch pugmagician fetch. thats a good little doggie . . .
Did you or did you not make that satement? You did.
And what would you say you're acting like now? An immature child.
Which would lead me to believe that you are acting closer to your shoesize than your actual age.
So did that statement you make only apply to others and not yourself? It would appear so.
So therefore we can assume that you are a hypocrite.
If you want to refute any of this evidence, then I welcome you to do so. If not, then I will just come to the conclusion that you are a retard that has absolutely no sense of logical reasoning on top of being a hypocrite.
Follow me litle doggie. Fetch pugmagician fetch. thats a good little doggie . . .
03-09-2004, 12:27 PM
Where'd my little pet run off to. Damnit. I was doing so good. I had already teached him how to follow and was about to teach him to sit. This is why I hate picking up these stray mutts. Maybe his head started hurting because I made him think too much. and I thought he was gonna be with me forever like he said. Can't trust anything that damn pug says.
Here puggie puggie pugiie. where'd you run off to boy? Here puggie puggie puggie. . .
Here puggie puggie pugiie. where'd you run off to boy? Here puggie puggie puggie. . .