I know i have went through alot of ps / ps2 hardware.. but never worn out any of my nintendo stuff.. Through only thing that i ever had to do was with my nintendo do the trick to get cartirges to load all the time.. Barely push it in till it slides down and then shift it to the left.. worked every time..
2 playstation 2
1 playstation 1
1 genesis
1 Super NES
1 Sega master
Still got Phantasy Star 1,2 and 4, Phantasy Star 2 is probably the hardest game I finished in my entire life.
Maybe I'll buy a PS3 in the future, ho well, what I want, I get
Currently watching Scrapped Princess HK
Get Ready because here comes my list of systems.
Coleco Vision
Nintendo Entertanment System
Sega Genesis
Super Nintendo
Nintendo 64
Playstation 2
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Color
Yes these all work including the Cube because I got a new one. Anyway. How is that for a list? Do I qulify as a bonafide gamer? Anyway sorry for the long post but I am on a quest to colect every gaming system except for X-Box. I HATE X-BOX!!!. Sorry. Yes it is oe of my many quests. That almost makes me wonder if my life would make a good RPG. Ah well, later.
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Get Ready because here comes my list of systems.
Coleco Vision
Nintendo Entertanment System
Sega Genesis
Super Nintendo
Nintendo 64
Playstation 2
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Color
Yes these all work including the Cube because I got a new one. Anyway. How is that for a list? Do I qulify as a bonafide gamer? Anyway sorry for the long post but I am on a quest to colect every gaming system except for X-Box. I HATE X-BOX!!!. Sorry. Yes it is oe of my many quests. That almost makes me wonder if my life would make a good RPG. Ah well, later.
Nice colelction, but if you're looking to collect every system you're uh, greatly lacking...
Yeah there is quite a bit missing heres a list and this is not even everything your missing:
sega master system
gameboy pocket
game and watch
sega cd
game gear
Don't forget the Intellivision and the Jaguar. Anywya I think its a great start though don't you think? I forgot to mention that I have the 32bi tfor Sega as well as the 16. Do you gs think I'm nuts for trying to collect every system?
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Don't forget the Intellivision and the Jaguar. Anywya I think its a great start though don't you think? I forgot to mention that I have the 32bi tfor Sega as well as the 16. Do you gs think I'm nuts for trying to collect every system?
No, one of my old teacher's brother has 50+ systems;
everything from atari to 3DO, to Xbox..
Dang. I wish I had a collection like that. If I could I would like to open a store that people pay to get in and then could play any system for any number of hours they wanted. Its Probably an unrealistic dream though. Almost everyone goes for graphics first now.

Hi, I currently own:
Gameboy color
Gameboy advance
Sega genesis
Super nintendo
Amiga 500
Amiga CD32
Sega saturn
Playstation 1
Playstation 2
Sega dreamcast
Nintendo 64
PC (older 500Mhz on win98 and MSdos for old adventure games)
PC (newer xp2600 for things like HL2)
Dual 867 mhz Power mac (don't play a lot on it mostly for video editing)
I have a NES, Genesis 1st gen and the 3rd gen, Dremcast, PS1, PS2, Gameboy adv & color and a N64. I have a shit load of NES games though and I bought most of them when the NES was around. I got rid of my SNES for a dreamcast, what a fool I was. lol
I own
intellivision- 12 games
Snes- 5 games
Sega genesis- 19 games
PS2- 6 games
Gamecube- 5 games
xbox- 3 games
sega saturn- 2 games
gameboy advance- 3 games
gameboy color- 2 games
psp- 2 games
yeah i think the snes is the best system out right now tho the ps1 had amazing games too
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:If I could I would like to open a store that people pay to get in and then could play any system for any number of hours they wanted.
You know, I think they call those things...arcades :p .
onizuka17711 Wrote:You know, I think they call those things...arcades :p .
Of course Ryo doesn?t know there?s nothing ?Hammer? related in Arcades so why would he know.

Nah this wouln't be some arcade. Arcades are thse that have those joystic games and whatnot. I am thinking of opening up a store wher everyone could play any game from N64, Gamecube, Intellivision. ANy system that they wanted to play and any game they wanted to play for it. That is my dream. Sadly it will probably never become a reality. If it did that would be great. I guess Iwill onl be a dreamer though
