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I have a master's degree in computer science from UIUC. I'm working for a consulting firm, programming applications for cell phones.
I'm working on getting my bachelor's at UIUC. what a small world!
Quote:Originally posted by Metier9
im a student but in 1 year i will either be a) some job in networking(cant be too picky i got a student load to pay back) or b) a 2nd Lt in the RAF Computer systems or weapons.( i cant remember the job titles percisely).

Anyone hear work for a network company in the UK?
im a student at Staffordshire University (need a networking job)

I was gonna say good luck finding a job since IT people are getting laid off all over the place. But then you said you're in the UK. So I'm not sure what it's like out there.
its not too bad in the uk. I found out some random fact though, most mobile games are made in the uk. My Univsersity has got a lot of contacts in europe, america and a few in asia(i think mainly china). My mates, mate is a lower class consustant(i suck at spelling), he knows a few networking firms in the uk.
Man that is an awesome job. Good luck with it!
i have 3!


business owner and promoter
starting business reviews and promotions i need a site desinger though and then il be up for business.

GSR Hollywood Video
ive only been there for 4 months almost a manager.

CSS (customer service supervisor) Big Lot's !
i am in charge of all employees on the floor and i do returns and answer the phone ! been there 5 days and it is easy and good pay!


Ahh Big Lots. There has always been a Big Lots in my town and I think there always will be.
well yeah they were oither chains and then they were bought to become one big name!

its ok there i get paid enough and pay day every week!!!

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