06-07-2004, 01:27 PM
06-07-2004, 05:34 PM
Is true!!!

06-13-2004, 10:21 AM
love the avatar Miso-Soup
oh and i will have an excellent summer, this prob the last day i will be posting because then i'll be busy sorting out stuff for Tokyo!!!
im so scared im gonna be lost in the trainsstations forever!!!!!!!!
just come back from my Uni Trekking , cut the last to unis from the list coz my money and time restraints, my mates didnt mind, guess ill see those i didnt meet after Japan
oh and i will have an excellent summer, this prob the last day i will be posting because then i'll be busy sorting out stuff for Tokyo!!!
im so scared im gonna be lost in the trainsstations forever!!!!!!!!
just come back from my Uni Trekking , cut the last to unis from the list coz my money and time restraints, my mates didnt mind, guess ill see those i didnt meet after Japan

06-13-2004, 12:42 PM
Domo!! WHAT!!! TOKYO!!! Without Miso........... Don't worry!! I had a friend go!! She had fun!! Don't forget SOUVENIRS!!!!!! BUT have a fun time!!
06-13-2004, 09:26 PM
Do have a fun time and try not to get into too much trouble. Ah, hell who am I kidding? Get into tons of trouble. Oh yeah, good luck
. You will need it when you first enter that train station.

06-14-2004, 01:36 PM
Thanks Peops, i shall have a good time and loadsa fun trying not to get lost
oh and i guess i'll be nursing my wounds from you and Batz beating me up
ohhh well guess i did go to far, but it was really funny making people go crazy over an avatar, and i had to lead peops astray and make em think it was an anime otherwise i would lose my Evil Streak

oh and i guess i'll be nursing my wounds from you and Batz beating me up

ohhh well guess i did go to far, but it was really funny making people go crazy over an avatar, and i had to lead peops astray and make em think it was an anime otherwise i would lose my Evil Streak

06-14-2004, 07:53 PM
Well, we won't beat you up too bad. We will beat you up to he point where you can't walk, You can still type though.