My list is kinda small now:
Full Metal Panic HK
Possibly - Berserk R1
Captain Tylor TV
V Gundam
That's about it. I can't really say I want much more beyond that.
Got DNA2 vol 3 on friday.
Should be getting Crest of Stars Collectors edition soon if stops taking its sweet time shipping it out
Not much left in my list now. I'll be ordering these this week:
Nadesico R1
Tylor OVA's HK
SMJ collection HK
Angel Links HK
El Hazard Wanderers HK
So the only R1 left that I really want is Berserk. Then I'm just gonna sit back and wait for some R1 rips to come out like Steel Angel Kurumi.
Any good Right Stuf deals
Pita Ten
UFO Walkure
Gundam Wing Box Set
Maison Ikkoku Box Set 1
Excel Saga 5 & 6
City Hunter Boxes 1 & 2
Any decent used DVDs at my local Comic Bookstore
Animeigo's Back Catalog titles
Any good used stuff at my local Comic Bookstore
Mad Bull 34
Junk Boy
Birdy The Mighty
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
I recommend the MI Gundam Wing set. I'm watching it right now. Great quality and packaging. I don't know if JJ carries any MI stuff, but it's well worth the money you'll save from the R1 box set.
I'm pretty satiated right now after making a bunch of orders. Recently finished Lain, Martian Successor Nadesico, Angel Links, Escaflowne Movie, and G Gundam. Still have a lot to go through in the coming months, but there's always a want list.
1) Berserk R1 Vol. 5&6
2) Silent Mobius Collection HK
3) Escaflowne TV Series HK
4) End of Evangelion R1 Movie
5) Macross AnimEigo Box Sets
Only things left in my want list now is
Berserk R1
Kenshin OVA's R1
Bought First Gundam Volume 1 and Chobits Volume 2 both R1 for $8.95 each, used. I don't own Volume 1 of Chobits yet. I just couldn't pass up that deal. It looks like a lot of fun. Oh well, two more R1 sets to get.
john I have $95 in Best Buy gift certificates. Nothing else I really want right now. So I can get the set for $55. The same as the MI HK. So you see my view on that one.
Tell me how the Nadesico HK set is. MAC not the shit-tacular MI version.

Tell me how the Nadesico HK set is. MAC not the shit-tacular MI version.
You should've just gotten in on the rightstuf bundle and gotten the R1's.
Like a phoenix from the ashes, an old favorite thread has been resurrected! Bwahahaha! So have you all bought your way down to zero in your anime shopping list? I have! Here's my new top 5:
1. Mobile Suit Gundam R1 -- Will prolly pick this up next month, won't be cheap..
2. Steel Angel Kurumi -- Gonna pick this MAC title up on saturday I think
3. Jubei-Chan the Ninja Girl -- More MAC fun!
4. Urusei Yatsura: Only You --Gotta pick this up from animeigo. They promise that if you buy it from their website they'll make sure you get an empty box to hold all the movies.. I need this.
5. Crest of the Stars -- Saw some at Anime Boston.. Loved it, need to own it. The set is cheap R1, so I'll buy legit.
Disclaimer: Shopping list doesn't include series I'm in the middle of collecting R1. (Sakura Wars, Hana Yori Dango, Mao-Chan, Super Gals!)
hmmm what to buy ill give a crack:
1: Now and then, Here and there
2: Key Metal Idol
3: Ranma 1/2 (not sure on this, but i am interested)
4: Ruruoni Kenshin ova's/movies
5: SoulTaker
6: Tenchi Movie Collection
7: Saber Marionette J
8: Blue Gender
9: Gundam Wing
10: Nadesico
11: Jubei-Chan the Ninja Girl
12: Steel Angel Kurumi
I need money

lots of money :mad:
1. El Hazzard Limited Edition Box Set (FX)
2. GTO Perfect Collection (FX)
3. Yu Yu Hakusho part 1 Perfect Collection (MAC)
4. Sailor Moon Season 1 Uncut Perfect Collection (MAC)
5. Tenchi Universe Remasterd Perfect Collection (FX)
6. Tenchi Movie Collection Perfect Collection (FX)
7. Outlaw Star Perfect Collection (FX)
8. Angel Links Perfect Collection (FX)
9. Blue Gender Perfect Collection (MAC)
10. Beserk Perfect Collection (FX)
11. Street Fighter 2 V Perfect Collection (MAC)
12. Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Stars (AS)
13. Tekkamanblade Perfect Collection (MAC)
14. Versus Special Edition (R1 release 2 disc set)
15. The Killer (Any Version i can get)
Thats about it
a big list to work down but all in good time
Hmm, well as for a shopping list I haven't gotten any of yet these are what I'll be after getting in the near future:
1. Gundam Wing Perfect Collection (FX)
2. Outlaw Star Perfect Collection (FX)
3. Yu Gi Oh HK DVDs
4. Blue Gender Perfect Collection
5. Love Hina Tv and Specials - Perfect Collection (FX)
6. Angel Links
8. El Hazard The Ultimate Collection
9. Excel Saga Perfect Collection
10. Inuyasha Perfect Collection Part 1 (an 2 also if it's out soon)
11. Blue Seed Perfect Collection
12. GTO Perfect Collection
13. Slayers Perfect Collection
14. Gunbusters
15. Adventures of Mini Goddess
This is also on top of things I'm already trying to complete: Ranma 1/2(FX), Dragon Ball Z VHS & DVD R1 collection (this will take a while), Dragonball R1 DVD collection, Dragon Ball GT R1 VHS & DVD collection, Yu-Gi-Oh! R1 DVD collection, MahoRomatic R1, Please Teacher! R1.