lol you still play with them steve? im tempted to somtimes, but i sound like such an idiot when i do the voices for cobra commander and destro :oops:
Who wouldn't? I have the extra large G.I. Joe fort. By the way I figured out the best G.I. Joe vehicle. It's called the Defiant. It's so big, it's crazy. I was tempted to buy it, but it's $200. That's steep for nostalgia. :mrgreen:
I have to admit, I've only seen the first series of Robotech.
The station I watched switched to Voltron after that which was pretty lame but I watched it any ways because I was an anime zombie (was?).
Star Blazers, Robotech, Speed Racer reruns, Battle of the Planets, Transformers, and ThunderCats all blew away GI Joe. From the stories to the animation GI Joe was weak.
And the toys... sure they had more articulation but they also broke a whole lot easier. As for price, I only had three of the proper sized Joe's but got a whole lot more mileage out of them.
I did abandon Joe when I got my first Shogun Warrior. Those were the coolest toys ever made. Over three feet tall with shooting fists, missiles, and a jet that docked in the head.
Oh how I lament my "let's blow shit up" phase. So many cool toys gone forever. At least I got pretty good aim with a BB gun...
One thing I'm not going to say is that your sense of nostalgia doesn't exist. I'm sure you have great memories of after school time watching GI Joe and playing with your weenie little figures. I just want you to watch a few episodes of GI Joe now that you've grown a bit (your voice has started to break hasn't it?) to see how pathetic the show really was.
At least you're not going on about He-Man, She-Ra, and TMNT...
oh yeah the defiant!!! the space shuttle was awesome but i didnt care much for the launch station. zagatto i dunno why you have such a big grudge against poor small gijoe, so many people like them :x
How can you say you don't know why I don't like the small GI Joe's?
I've tried to give lots of reasons in my posts.
Let me sum it up first for the figures then for the cartoon.
1) The joints break too easily.
2) Their hands never really held the guns well.
3) The clothing was molded to their body rather than something you can change.
a) The cartoon characters lack any sort of depth at all.
b) Each plot line was horribly the same and did nothing to move an overall story line ahead.
c) They shot a gazillion rounds of amunition without ever killing anyone (I'm not out for blood, I just feel that it taught kids that guns are safe to play with).
d) The animation was terrible... only a few frames per second and lots of reused animation over and over.
I hope I've made myself clear as to why I think weenie GI Joes and the accompanying cartoon suck so hard. I'm not going to like you any less if you enjoy them. I'm guilty of loving Speed Racer which has a similar list of faults but I don't tote it at one of the best series ever. I just happen to like it a lot.
Yeah I watched the movie a couple of days ago.
Quote:Originally posted by "Zagatto"
grown a bit (your voice has started to break hasn't it?)
Ah as far as that goes I'm 6 feet (okay 5'11 1/2''). I have a deep voice and was sporting a Middle Eastern Like Beard over the summer (Vlade Divac anyone). I weight a solid 180, gained it all from lifting weights.
Also as far as that whole kids learned guns were safe to play with is kinda out of left field. Isn't that what every Video Game with any remote violence taught.
What about Pac-Man? He ate little pellets.........little pellets, maybe they were Ecstacy or Pain Killers. This taught kids to try drugs.
What about Dragon Ball Z? Kids you can die, and come back to life as many times as you need. Don't worry, you have more than a cat. Waste them at will.
What about other shows like Sesame street? Everyone is good, talk to them all. They want you to learn. I'd like to see the pedaphile/drug pusher/gang episode.
Heh heh See what I'm getting at? Anything can be seen as harmful to children. If anything it would be domestic problems. :mrgreen:
Next your gonna start raggin' on David the Gnome. :twisted:
Well... I'm glad to see that you've responded to one of the eight points I've put up there.
I would like to appologize. I'm sorry if I took this to a personal level with some of my earlier comments. This isn't meant to be an attack on people who like GI Joe big or small. I just want you to realize that the show you worship is cr@p. There's nothing wrong with loving bad TV as long as you realize that it's bad TV.
Like I said, I have a big thing for Speed Racer (or maybe I'm saving my big thing for Trixie...) but the show isn't that good. I have a strong sense of nostalgia for the show because it is the first anime I ever saw that I can remember (back in the '70s) even though I didn't know it was from Japan.
As for my point on the whole shooting people and not killing anyone, I think kids know well enough that guns do kill people. It just bugs me that these are the top guns and they can't hit a single person in a charging line but have no problem shooting a three inch switch from a moving jeep at 100 yards. Is GI Joe all about warning rounds?
Zagatto you don't have to apologize. This is a spirited debate. You can have whatever opinion you want. I like G.I. Joe not only because it was my childhood show of choice, but because I liked the characters as well. The show is far from intelligble, but neither is many comic books including Sgt. Fury or Superman. Just enjoy the show, and if it entertains than hasn't it succeeded? Therefore it's a good show if it entertains. :mrgreen:
David the Gnome, was a great show in the 1980's about Gnomes. They would always fight these Trolls. The animation was stellar in a bland sense, and overall the plot was thin. But the show was aesthically pleasing, due to it's wholesome family entertainment. :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
Sorry Zagato but I find Robotech to be horrible. Let's watch three series at once children!!!! :mrgreen: Heh heh. Seriously though, G.I. Joes were really cool and a part of my child hood. So obviously I'll have a certain nostalgia for it. Though that's cool everyone has their opinions. Also G.I. Joes cost about $3 each so they were very affordable for youngins like me. ^_^ They were great, that's the time when they would kill each other. One time I had Storm Shadow kill everyone on the G.I. Joes side. I remember it like it was yesterday..........oh yeah that's right, it WAS yesterday. :mrgreen: does Robotech suck? Im pretty sure if it weren't for Robotech shows like Eva wouldn't have gained so much popluarity..I mean people make such a big deal about Akira how it sucks..well it was good back in the day but comapred to now the drawings are pale..Robotech was hot back in day..It had humor action..I mena what more can u ask for..Also, people actually died in show that meant something unlike your Gi-Joe..20 bats vs 3 Joes..By some miracle which to this day baffles me Lady J, Jinx and the others survive lol..All I know Robotech is awesome