That was it. I was always a Snake Eyes kinda guy. I also liked Storm Shadow and Beach Head. They tried to mix it up and had Doc and Road Block as African American Men in the service. Just two. Plus the basketball guy in the movie because you know how all African Americans are great basketball players (notice the sarcasm in the comment). Though the movie did rock and the DVD has extras of G.I. Joe says, including the great one where Doc is roaming in the house of the kids for one reason or another. He tells them to let an adult give them medicine. Heh heh, that one was hilarious. :mrgreen:
i have the vhs version :? lol
As do I. The company that made it, taped it in EP to save money. The quality is pretty poor. ^_^ DVD is always better, That is if you don't mind to shell out the money.
im waiting to find is somewhere for 9 bux and then ill buy it on dvd..pretty sure i saw it used for that much :o
That's cool. It's worth it. No doubt about that.
hey steve whats your favorite joe/cobra vehicle?
Favorite Vehicles
G.I. Joe - Artic One Can't remember the name or the bitch Mud Buster.
Cobra - The standard Cobra vehicle with the Cannon.
artic one=snowcat? cobra cannon=HISS tank? i like both of them
my fav. have to be the tomahawk copter that they used a lot in the movie for the joe side, and for the cobra side, maybe the night raven airplane or the D.E.M.O.N, this cool tank that can elevate and pivot and tons of other crap, really scary looking too

Serpentor's Chariot is pretty cool. :mrgreen:
lol yeah i like that. serpentor is one of my favorite characters, i wish i could straighten out snakes and use them as spears

Yeah, he gets knocked off a lot, though.
I want to buy all the episodes off ebay. They show them at 1 in the morning on Cartton Network. I wish they would release box sets like Transformers. I really would like to see the mini-series when they made Serpentor. By the way, I've always been a Cobra Commander fan. Though Destro could easily kick his ass. Sad.

I remember sitting around with my friends after school making fun of GI Joe while waiting for Robotech to start. We're supposed to believe that nobody ever got hurt with all that gunfire going on... give me a break. The episodes were pathetically shallow and every character lacks any sort of depth.
I also blame the cartoon for making weenie sized GI Joe action figures. Before this attrocity aired, Joe was a manly 12" tall with KUNG FU GRIP.
Now drop this YO JOE nonsense and get back to good animation and proper toys. :twisted:
zagatto you blasphemer! smaller action figures are nicer IMO, they cost less, you can fit a lot of them in a box for easy storage, really detailed and sturdy and they were so detailed and stuff. lots of aritculation too

Sorry Zagato but I find Robotech to be horrible. Let's watch three series at once children!!!! :mrgreen: Heh heh. Seriously though, G.I. Joes were really cool and a part of my child hood. So obviously I'll have a certain nostalgia for it. Though that's cool everyone has their opinions. Also G.I. Joes cost about $3 each so they were very affordable for youngins like me. ^_^ They were great, that's the time when they would kill each other. One time I had Storm Shadow kill everyone on the G.I. Joes side. I remember it like it was yesterday..........oh yeah that's right, it WAS yesterday. :mrgreen: