My main ones are DVD recorder, Family Guy season 3, and Utena Apocalypse Boxset. You guys??
I always like threads like these.

This is what is on my immediate radar:
Mario Party 5
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Specail editon
and uh.....
I really can't think of anything else that I want.

Hopefully Santa will be nice to me this year.
Im getting 5 anime box sets and a few gamecube games
I'd love to get a really nice camera.
wow, I haven't gotten a Christmas present for like years. Giving presents isn't a big thing in my family, I think my parents gave me like 50$ last year.
What I want is the manga, manga, manga! Gunnm manga boxset (french version). It's just gorgeous.
A new computer would be nice
I'm also gonna ask for money from the bank

casssh munny. (or a 32" TV).

*doesn't celebrate christmas*
money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money
+World At War Collectors Edition.
Anime would be good, but my family has no idea what it is and even if they did i doubt they buy me oens from HK lol.
Right now I have 73 different titles in my collection. I'm looking at adding lots more this christmas.
I guess my top 5 would be:
Ranma part 3 (eps 89-136)
Ranma part 4 (eps 137-161)
Steel Angel Kurumi Complete set
Knight Hunters complete set
DBZ part 7 (MI)
My goal is when I'm like 40 with my own house. I'll have one room dedicated to Anime.

I want one of those Arab water pipes, I used to smoke it all the time with my friends. It be cool if I had it at home. My parents would never buy me something like that though. I'll get it as a present for myself.
they're called hooka

Hmm, I've never heard anyone called it that before, the arabs I know call it narghila (they pronounce it more like arghilé though) and shisa.
The people from India usually call it a hooka, I have a friend that has one in his house, its a little bit different than the narghila.