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I asked for a Phillips 500watt Surround sound system with built in 5 disk DVD changer!!! YEAH!!!
Heh... well, honestly I buy my own Xmas presents and with the sudden discovery of these remarkably priced DVD sets from FX...

Slayers Return
New Dominion Tank Police
Blue Seed Beyond (only to complete my Blue Seed collection)
Rayearth OAV (only to complete my Rayearth collection)
Tenchi Universe TV (FX)
Cowboy Bebop set (FX)
Trigun (FX)
Escaflowne (FX)
Fushigi Yugi Complete (FX)

At least I think they're all FX... anyways... under $300 for that entire selection and that's a lot more than what I got for that price last year ; , ;

If only I had known...

And if my relatives absolutely must send me something other than cash this year, I've put in requests for Excel Saga :p~~~
I'm getting the car I want!!! My dad asked me what color car I wanted yesterday, and me being a girly girl at the moment said purple. He said the car didn't come in that color, and to try again. So I said blue, and now my parents just left to go shopping...woohoo car!!!!!
Man, I wish my parents would have bought me a car.Sad
Clothes and anime- What else does an otaku want any way !
Quote:Originally posted by puzzleguy
Clothes and anime- What else does an otaku want any way !

All the powers of <insert name of favorite anime character> (ex: Goku!)
A Mecha: Gundam or not, just some big robot to cause mayham in.

But, if we have to be realistic; More anime.
My parents wouldn't know what anime was if I tied them down and made them watch it. They'd just be like: "It's that foreign cartoon crap she's always watching." And so I've relized any anime I want for Cristmas will have to be bought by little ol' me.
I know what ya mean about parents... bleh... mine think I'm nuts as I have foregone getting things like furniture in favor of anime box sets in the past...

But my kids love it :p~~~~

I'd rather have them watch Slayers over Barney anyday ~.^
My dad doesn't like the fact, but I'm getting about 140 bucks worth of HKs this year! So I'm happy as Hell! Now I just have to find time while my parents, or atleast mom is at work so that I can watch Berserk Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
I made the mistake of buying myself all the dvds i will need for the next 5 years and thus can't think of what to tell ppl to get me. Guess it will just be edibles and maybe some underwear and socks.. can't believe i am actually asking for them this time. :p
This time i decided to ask for something useful

ps: it's for cleaning up ur monitor
All i want is a few anime dvds- Which im hoping Santa brings in a few days- Big Grin
Mommy bought me some new Converse sneakers for Christmas too. She called me like 5 times today trying to get the right color and size. So I'm getting a pair of red, high top sneakers with an oriental theme to them.
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