I just got my Sat result and it sucked like hell :mad: , this gave me one of those feeling that i will remeber for a long time to come i am so sad right now cause i spend most of the summer studing for it and until i took it i was still studing for it and i didn't do that well. Now my mom blames it on anime, saying that i watch too much and i have to start reading novels instead of watching my (cartoons). I am so damn sad and my dad is all over me in his own way. Like bring ur notes and textbooks thing of stuff. While i wait for the next SAT and ACT I will be stucked in my room praying that the day will come.
What was your SAT and ACT scores? Keep in mind that many schools in the midwest don't care about SAT scores. I didn't supply my SAT to all 4 of the schools I applied to, and I got into 3 of them (the 4th was just because Northwestern is Northwestern and is hard to get into).
i got 1010 on my SAT, so i will have to take the Act to see maybe i can do better hopefully not worst. so i haven't yet taken the ACT
what grade are you in ? I got a 1200-something and i was at a party that night and was fucked up when i took the test. I can't imagine taking that test sober.
I believe I got a 1210. My preparation for the test was realizing it was the next day and going to sleep early (aka midnght).
My 29 on the ACT and my Class load got me into schools. And I bet the 29 was only a requisite, not a deciding factor.
When I graduated back in the 80s... I only had a 2.3 GPA going for me. Then I took the ACT and SAT. My 30 and 1290 got me on all sorts of University lists and even landed me a national merit scholarship. When my GPA was looking like community college was going to be my only choice.
Of course I made the stupid choice and blew off that scholarship and went to a community college to study a three year photography degree that I'm not doing anything with... so what good do my high scores do me in the end?
At least you can retake the SAT and you have an idea of what to expect now. Study for the parts that you had trouble with and most importantly, make sure you are well rested before the test. It really does make a difference going into it with a clear head.
U guy really know the secret for passing this kind of exam. I am bad at external exam, but i have a 3.8 GPA in school but the SAT messed me all up
Secret? Know your Math (it only goes as far as Geometry), grammar and basic science. That's all the advice I can give you, the rest is cognitive ability to figure things out.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
When I graduated back in the 80s... I only had a 2.3 GPA going for me. Then I took the ACT and SAT. My 30 and 1290 got me on all sorts of University lists and even landed me a national merit scholarship. When my GPA was looking like community college was going to be my only choice.
You have to remmeber that we took different versions of the SAT. They changed it around 96 or so. The scores are so jacked up on the new version. Your score of 1290 would equate to like 1490 nowadays, whereas my 1180 would be like 1380.
I got a 1200 my first time around. My little sister scored less than I did and she's the brains of the family. She's retaking it, because the school she wants will give her a scholarship of some sort if she gets a certain score. There are books and classes out there to help you score higher. I suggest you look into those for help.

Truthfully, like I think someone said in an eairlier post, you just didn't know what the SAT would be like. That's usually the deciding factor to tests like that, if you don't know what you're getting yourself into you do alot poorer than if you realize what it's going to be like. Kind of reminds me of my wife and I, when I was in high school my GPA was somewhere around 2.8 and my wifes somewhere around 3.5. However we where both going to attend ITT about 2 years ago, we had to take an entrance exam in order to be accepted. I passed with flying colors the first time I took it, while my wife failed miserably. This wasn't because she was dumb, just simply she didn't know what to expect on the exam where as I had taked the same type of test at 2 other colleges so I knew exactly what it would be like. Needless to say I'm sure that you will do much better the second time around.
I gotta take to ACT and the SAT this year, so hopefully I'll do good enough where I don't have to take them again. I know that's not likely, but I took the PSAT last week. If I get a good enough score I'll ahead and take to SAT next time there's testing here.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
You have to remmeber that we took different versions of the SAT. They changed it around 96 or so. The scores are so jacked up on the new version. Your score of 1290 would equate to like 1490 nowadays, whereas my 1180 would be like 1380.
I think they did that SAT change thing around 1995-1996. I took my SATs and scored 1310 my senior year, and that was with the change. I scored like 1060 the year before that, so I'm kinda figuring I didn't improve too much on my score. I took the SAT's three times and basically turned in my highest scores. My highest scores were on my last test, so I just basically improved each time by just a little bit. Still got scholarship from my dad's work place and USC gave me a scholarship as well. When I was in college my state established this life scholarship, so if I had a high GPA and graduated from a S.C. school and attended an S.C. university I automatically got that scholarship no questions asked no application. I tell ya...if you're gonna go to college. Apply for every scholarship you can think of. You have nothing to lose. There's this whole huge book listing scholarships....they even have scholarships for people who are left-handed and even people with red-hair. Sounds dumb but they're out there and all you have to do is meet the requirements and you can apply.
Your absolutly right about the scholorships, hell they have ones out there even stranger than that. I wouldn't be supprised if they had one out there for people that ate banana and pickle sandwiches on Tuesdays, yuk lol.
i just took my SAT's and i wont find out what i got till the end of the week and i probly got like a 900 but o well