Anyone else having trouble getting disc 3 to work. Mine won't turn on. Know how to get it to work. I hope I can get a replacement before I get there. Because I'm not going on to disc 4 before I'm done 3. That would ruin the whole story and joy of gto.

shit! i think ill go check mine now!!!
(btw i love to double post hahahahaha!)
looks like the boys right, my dvd player just makes crazy noises and refuses to play the disc (at all!)
however i tested it in my laptop and it seems to work fine on a dvd-rom but this means that ill have to watch the 3rd disc in worse quality. ah well, at least i can watch it!

If anyone has any players that work could you tell me. I am planning on buying a new dvd player and if any of them play this disc I will probably get that one.
mines is a new cyberhome one, so i assume that no cyberhome player will play it.
heck your lucky i ordered two sets and only got one :mad:
hehe :p
Someone on AN reported a problem with Disc 2. Flora may have had some bad Discs in his batch.
The disk's run perfect on my pc but when i played it on my kiss dvd player (kuch, my dad's player when i tested that reported sub tv problem), i also noticed a lot of notice noice...
The strange thing, the kiss player is a IDENTICAL to my dvd-rom player (they us a pc toshiba dvd-rom player, the identical same model als i use in my pc). It looks more that the data reading/decoding has problems on the stand alone players vs the pc software ...
All 5 discs played without any problems on my standalone player (Pioneer DV353).
this is dodgy, looks like there are random bad discs floating around.
btw did anyone only pay for one GTO perfect collection and get two?
I have a sony DVD player, PS2, and DVD-ROM and I have problems with almost all the disks. The first disk worked fine on the Sony except episodes 5-7 didn't show up cause it stopped...and the other disks just read as being dirty and won't come up. I was just about to post to see if any other people were having problems and apparently they are. I was pissed cause I was getting into it too and I can't watch anymore!!
My disc 2, 3, 4, and 5 don't work. disc 1 is sometimes but my player makes REALLY REALLY strange noises with that one.
damn this sucks like trading with gunner7500.

actually with a second try my disc 3 worked fine on my dvd player, and every time after that. weird :confused:, the discs must just be very touchy
All the discs work except disc 3 but it takes a few times of inserting before my computer recognizes the dvd for some reason, its liek the disks are very touchy.using a sony dvd player
Just checked my set. Discs 1-4 are fine, but disc 5 won't play on either of my stand alones (CyberHome and Samsung), or in my DVD-ROM. :mad: