Oh, how i love you sooooo much. I wub you. :p
Either it's sarcasm and Atomic is about to have some kind of break down; or he's sincere and he really loves Chemistry and Biology.
Personally, I love Biology, but that's off the subject...:p
well i think Chemistry sucks but well if you like it then go with it
I prefer Anatomy. Female kind of course. ^_^
Quote:Originally posted by Tripp
I prefer Anatomy. Female kind of course. ^_^
most men do i hope

well i took both chemistry and physic at the same time and it was fun.
now i am taking chemistry advance placement which is killing me.
I took Chem both my Sophomore year in High School and my Freshmen year in College. Both times I royally sucked at it.
I am, however, considering taking a physics class in College to possibly fulfill an astronomy requirement.
I've goota take Chemistry next year. This year I opted to take anatomy, so now everyone in the rest of my normal Sophomore classes thinks I'm a freakin genius. I thank my guidance counselor for this.

Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
I am, however, considering taking a physics class in College to possibly fulfill an astronomy requirement.
Physics is a cool class, but then again it all depends on the teacher. Astronomy I never took, it conflicted with choir.
well i take cem. right now in my freeshman year of high school and it is not that hard
Quote:Originally posted by Ngckld
well i take cem. right now in my freeshman year of high school and it is not that hard
It's also probably only a month or so into the quarter/semester...
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
It's also probably only a month or so into the quarter/semester...
yea your right it will get harder
actually, i just love sciences. I'm very good at them, especially biology and chemistry. Good times, good times. :p
Well, I'm a bioorganic chemist so you can probably guess my opinion of biology and chemistry