oh. well tell me when you get it or post it
Hey, Ka-Talliya do you like Kare Kano? if you do then I just made an avatar from it, and I'll send it to you if you want it. Also are you a Kagome/InuYasha fan or Kikyo/InuYasha fan. I have almost the same avatar as I have now, except it's Kikyo and Inuyahsa. let me know if you want them and I'll send them on their way

can ya send them ta me if ya have any time

just give me the email address, and I'll send them.
I just sent them

let me know if you like them. They are all ones that I just made yesterday.
i think there pritty kool ya know
ladies, send me your nude pictures
yo, fat chicks need love too....LOL. now let me just find that nude pic....

Hey I absolutely love InuYasha, so could you send me some of those avatars please
[email protected] Thanks in advance for if ya do because I might not be around for a couple days..
Quote:Originally posted by Atomic Orgasm
ladies, send me your nude pictures at [email protected]
Don't be shy. NO FAT CHICKS!
well if ya get them yo better send them ta me

Quote:Originally posted by Ngckld
well if ya get them yo better send them ta me
Show an improvement in your grammer skills and some one might consider it.
Apologize profusly for double posting!!
Quote:Originally posted by meowchi
Hey, Ka-Talliya do you like Kare Kano? if you do then I just made an avatar from it, and I'll send it to you if you want it. Also are you a Kagome/InuYasha fan or Kikyo/InuYasha fan. I have almost the same avatar as I have now, except it's Kikyo and Inuyahsa. let me know if you want them and I'll send them on their way
No, she's just an avatar to match my husbands (the ominious Baka Admin, Schultz). J/K, She's fiesty and pretty. Plus she loves Kenshin, awsome woman.
Actually I haven't watched that much InuYasha, so I haven't really formed an opinion yet. I'll get on that as soon as we are done with our base war game.
I've actually got quite a few Kinshin Avatars, so I'm good on them, thanks though.

Your Welcome

I was actualy asking you if you liked the anime show called Kare Kano (his and her circumstances in the states.) It's a really cute love story. I'll change my avatar so you can see it. If you haven't seen it (the show) and you like comdey/love stories, that's one you should check out.