09-26-2003, 07:51 AM
09-26-2003, 01:09 PM
I tell ya Ayla, u couldn't have picked a better place for your anime needs. This site is by far #1.
...and the people aren't so bad either. 

09-26-2003, 01:16 PM
Welcome!!! I'm another one of the girls around here. The whole Batz thing isn't so bad once you get used to it. He's acctually a pretty kewl guy as long as you don't get too close.
(just kidding Batz) This is a pretty kewl place to escape normal life..if there is such a thing.

09-26-2003, 03:38 PM
Quote:Originally posted by six_plus_one
I tell ya Ayla, u couldn't have picked a better place for your anime needs. This site is by far #1....and the people aren't so bad either.
How nice of you to say so!
09-27-2003, 12:19 PM
thanx everyone! u sound great so far! lol im glad that there's atleast some other girls here too. id feel weird if there werent. and i do have pix but.... ill save them for after i get to kno some of you better. ^^ (just to keep the pervs waiting)
09-27-2003, 01:40 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Melfina
(just to keep the pervs waiting)
*cough* Atomic Orgasm *cough*
09-27-2003, 03:18 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Melfina
thanks tripp! thanks batz....... but why r u someone to avoid? lol
Hmmm....let's see:
I give no value to my life.
Hold very few human emotions. (with closest thing to jealousy & dislike being eternal hatered, & the closest thing to love being obcesstion.)
Used to have a blood addiction, although I still think about it a lot I don't drink it anymore.
I hate myself for thing that others do, weather or not it's my fault.
I'm an orignal Post Slut.
I've been known to "stalk" (research) people.
I value the life of an insect more than the life of most others in life, which I justify as being that the insect as yet to offend me, while most people in life do.
I used to study witchcraft & other dark arts & mind over matter. (Gave that junk up for a stupid perpose.)
I'm bitter, & rambble A LOT, I once started talking about girls that watch anime & ended up on weither or not two girls at my school were lesbions or not.
I writing demented things, which basicly are my deepest darkest desires of killing, raping, (lustmurders) & mutilating other human beings.
Also, I've very open person.
Well, that about covers it, with about being the keyword.
Forgot violent mood swings, & a short temper, plus I listen to Aqua

09-27-2003, 05:49 PM
I told you not to ask. :confused:
09-27-2003, 06:01 PM
Welcome! I'm the cynical asshole ex-mod here. Yeah :D
Anyhow, I'm also the king of all signatures, and you'll probably see it change once every two weeks or so. As a fact, I think it's time to change it again, but I'm holding off on premiering my new one ^_~
Anyhow, I'm also the king of all signatures, and you'll probably see it change once every two weeks or so. As a fact, I think it's time to change it again, but I'm holding off on premiering my new one ^_~
09-27-2003, 06:30 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
Hmmm....let's see:
I give no value to my life.
Hold very few human emotions. (with closest thing to jealousy & dislike being eternal hatered, & the closest thing to love being obcesstion.)
I think being a pity whore constitutes a human emotion.
09-27-2003, 07:43 PM
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
I think being a pity whore constitutes a human emotion.
Think back young padawan...
I said I love to complain about my life, what I don't like is for people to feel sorry for me, because I relize all the problems in my life are, for the most part, self caused, but because of my past deeds I feel I deserve pain to make up for the damage I've done to others. Pity me not, my life rocks (er well, it did till I gave up studying mind of matter stuff, but it's still not bad these days)! You must also remeber I love being depressed.
09-27-2003, 08:06 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
Think back young padawan...
I said I love to complain about my life, what I don't like is for people to feel sorry for me, because I relize all the problems in my life are, for the most part, self caused, but because of my past deeds I feel I deserve pain to make up for the damage I've done to others. Pity me not, my life rocks (er well, it did till I gave up studying mind of matter stuff, but it's still not bad these days)! You must also remeber I love being depressed.
...Which is why you were a pity whore. If you didn't want people to pity you, you wouldn't post about it like you were proud of it.
09-27-2003, 08:44 PM
Well, putting all that aside...
Welcome, Melfina!
Welcome, Melfina!
09-27-2003, 09:29 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Suzakuseikun
...Which is why you were a pity whore. If you didn't want people to pity you, you wouldn't post about it like you were proud of it.
Well, I was asked why I should be avoided, & yes I typed that because I'm pround of the fact that I'm weird. Is it so wrong to be pround of what I am? Especialy, when I'm glad to be what/how I am.
As for pity. It's more of an insult, like someone saying I understand your pain, they're just trying to help, but it's useless when I don't need help.
As as for why I said I shoul be avoided to begin with, well A) I've been told it's true, & B) I was just saying it before someone else does.
I guess it would be a bit easier to defend myself in this situwation if I were to be so blindly as you, & share your point of view, but I'm me, & you're you, which makes you uncapible of unstanding how I feel. Sorry if that sounded rude or anything, but for the most part it's true, I don't really see how anything I wrote would even give someone a reason to pity me.
So, Melfina, was my explaination good enough for ya? Or shall I continue to beg for pity

*edit towards Suzakuseikun.
I guess I have to admit that some of the things I said did make it sound a lot like i was wanting to be pitied, but I wouldn't come here if I wanted to be pityed, I have other places I go when I break down & want to whine about my life. I had to say that or else I'd be no better than those who say weird stuff just to laugh at people & call them stupid when they point out it's weird. I hate those type of people. Peace.
09-27-2003, 09:48 PM
Welcome Melfina.
And don't be shy with that pic, if you look around you can some threads with pics of the regulars.
And don't be shy with that pic, if you look around you can some threads with pics of the regulars.