Man, I needed that. I just wanted to share my joy. It's been a hell of a long time since I ordered any anime. I just picked up the Vampire Princess Miyu OVA's, Sakura Wars #3, and Fruits Basket #2. And man, did it feel good. I don't intend to order every single week like I was doing before, but no more 3 month gaps.

There's lots of good stuff coming out over the next few months and I must own it. More KOR stuff, Hana Yori Dango, Urusei Yatsura movie and more TV box sets.. More Sailor Moon, Nadesico movie.. Whee!
good for you shibo!

I'm totally opposite of you, I'm trying to stop buying for awhile, havn't succeeded yet. Been buying at least 5 sets every week. Too many wants, yet too broke at the moment. :mad: Well, I am still waiting for fruits basket, kyo samurai, hunter x, saiyuki, shurato and many more to be out in English. Guess I'm one of the very few who likes English Dubs. :p
Quote:Originally posted by Shibo
More KOR stuff,
what KOR stuff? are the OAV"s coming out?!
Schultz!! Hands's sounds like I may be able to get you a decent Christmas gift this year!!
Yeah the KOR stuff is scheduled for Oct 10th. Animeigo's sets have actually been coming out on time lately so I'm optimictic. =)
Buying Anime is good!!...yeah I need to stop buying...already spent like almost $300 or so this month buying from this site...JJ....You're killing me man!! LOL
I just placed another order with JJ too. All this anime coming out so fast is making me broke.
I'm waiting for the KOR OAVs, that and LOTGH Box set. Mmmmm. Now that will hurt.