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Goodness you guys have rather large collections!

As for Rurouni Kenshin, I cannot watch the dub so much...probably because I am too attached to the subbed version and had it all as fansubs at one point. Slowly working on getting the DVDs.

The one arc though I hated a great deal was the Geomancer arc (the last one that goes to the end of the series). Some of the arcs after the Christian one was good (for example, when Youtarou returns).
I take pride in my collection. I might convert to the sub the way you people talk about it. Though I do enjoy the dub. I plan on watching Kenshin in the near future (my rental store has a large anime section including all of the Kenshin R1's) however right now I'm watching Kodomo No Omocha (up to episode 6) and have Gundam Wing pending whether people at my comic book store will get their act together and order my tapes.
Everyone has their own opinions regarding dubs and subs. The only reason why I had mentioned about sticking with the subs was because a) I was used to it with my fansubs and 2) I really enjoyed the voice actors. I do enjoy some dub works and I realize and know how hard it is to dub things (for example, anime) yet in some cases, the voices which are used may not suit the character.

Try hearing both the subs and then the dubs and decide which is best for you. Smile

I had tried to watch NOIR this morning on my mother's DVD player (visiting her over the weekend) however I believe something is amiss in the tv remote configuration. The TV/DVD button will not work = I cannot see/hear the DVD at all. Sad
TV/Video is the button usually.... sometimes is AUX and alot of times theres like 2-3 AUX modes on some TVs so u have to scroll through them to find the right one where u DVD player is at (make sure the DVD player is hooked up) and sometimes on older TVs .. the Video mode is on channel 00.... if its your moms DVD player set up she must watch it so she must know how to turn it on Smile
Sadly enough Joe, it (the DVD player) was not set up to begin with and she has enough trouble trying to work a VCR let alone a DVD player (even with the VCR, my husband and I had to set it up for her plus show her how to work it).

Thank you for the suggestion to try 00. I will see if that works!

I would have normally looked at the instruction manual however it appears that she has lost it and everyone has gone out.

What a morning indeed. :wink:

edit: It appears to be working now. Again Joe, thank you very much for your assistance! Now it is the eternal search for the DVD remote. I cannot read chinese subtitles just yet.

Have a wonderful day!
hehe np Wink... yea without a remote control... its next to impossible to operate a dvd player... it doesnt usuallly have much options except an eject and power buttons on them... unlike VCRs Wink
Yah damn those DVD players. You can probably get another remote for it. I'm pretty sure that Pioneer makes replacemet remotes for certain models.
Thanks guys. Smile

I am sure that if we looked around this house a bit more the DVD remote will be found. Just for the time being though, I will watch dvd anime on the laptop rather than on my mother's DVD player whenever we come over for visits/stays. Wink
Sounds like a plan.
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