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Well I counted fan subs and some bootleggs(very few though).
Quote:Originally posted by "Suzakuseikun"

Steve_the_Talking_Pie Wrote:I've amassed a scary collection of about 41 DVDs and over 250 VHS!!!!

Compared to that, I have a tiny collection. 30 DVDs and about 60 VHS.

Damn i have about 200+ dvds but only like 40 VHS.. i watched alot of my friends animes on tape.. never bought them though.. only really got into it also like last 2 years with dvd's and Fansubs.. Wink
Also, talking of quality. How is the quality of the AS Fushigi Yuugi Suzaku set? I may get that to replace my Real Media files -_- It's dub, with sub, but the subs or only Chinese, so unfortunately I can't watch the sub, though I've already seen it. Anyone got a clue on the bitrate on it, or even the quality of audio?
200+ Damn, I don't own many HK though(wish I did) too good of a bargain.
Check out the Fushigi Yugi VHS sets, only 100 for Season 1 or 2. Everyone forgets about VHS, so they become dirt cheap. I reap the benefits.
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"

200+ Damn, I don't own many HK though(wish I did) too good of a bargain.
I would say my collection is about Half and Half.. which is expensive.. I am in the Air Force.. So basically don't have anything to pay for as in living expenses so most of all my money goes to anime.. ;o) almost have all of Kenshin on R1 ;o)
I bow down to your greatness.
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"

I bow down to your greatness.
nothing great just lucky.. though the nice things about military is TDY's go to Saudi Arabia / kawait stuff like that and if you do it right you can come back with 3-4k in the bank.. And really go on a spending spree.. But just having to deal with over there for that long is a pain in the ass..
Ah I see the light.
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"

Ah I see the light.

Doh stay away from the light.. the light is bad!! j/k

Though what really sucks is i am stationed in Okinawa Japan.. but they don't have too many anime stores.. ;o( i wanna go to Mainland japan SOOOO much.. that is the base i am trying for next. Wink
We can only hope. Big Grin
I have the anime studio version for each set and it is well done..if u want u can read my review i posted up awhile back
Rei what happened? You kind of disappeared for a while.
LOL Steve yea I know but I kept checking but I was taking a summer class..Organic Chemistry so I had no life for awhile but thankfully it ended this pass Saturday..honest its not even worth getting the 3rd box of the Kenshin set the episodes are so lame its not even worth your time but Im a big fan so I had to see it and incase you were wondering the new OVA dvd is worth getting as well..After the Christian Arc there isnt anything left really and its just sad to see how they ruined that show..
Ah, but I'm a big Kenshin fan as well, which is why I'm going to buy all the episodes, horribly or not. Look at my Avatar and Signature, I kinda think it shows O.o Anyhow, I thank you fo the imput. I just find it sad how much Aoshisama gets, cause there's not a whole lot ;.;
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