Ok people, I had fun taking this test that rates how much of a geek you are. I scored just under 45% which makes me a "Major Geek" and my wife got 19% which comes up with just "Geek"(and she blames most of that on me). From my other friends, I've had a range of 13% all the way up to one who scored 75% (most people have had lower scores than me).
So... what are you waiting for?
Take the test
Wow i scored lower then you.. ;o)
i got 30% Total Geek..
HA! That proves I am married to a geek!!!
I scored a 22.87%...GEEK.

10% geekish tendances heh
14.7929% - Geekish Tendencies.
I always thought I was bit of a geek until I read those questions. I have along way to go. I am amazed that anyone could score 75 per cent.
One thing I don't like about the test is it only counts what you've been interested in, now how deeply interested in something.
For instance, someone who eats, breathes, and lives Star Trek may only get a 25% if they don't watch other movies or play video/role playing games.
People who dedicate themselves to one geeky hobby above all else in life scare me (and inspire me in some equally scary way).
I'd like to think that by scoring higher on the test that makes me a more rounded geek who has exposed himself (in the legal way) to all sorts of hobbies.
I'm going to keep thinking that too!
I'd just like to say in my defense that I am by no means, at least to my own denial a geek..yet I scored 36.29191% and ranked as a Major Geek. Call me crazy, but I can't help that I know all those computer languages and terms due to the fact that I'm a Computer Science major. And to consider the fact that I read as a qualification for geekiness is beyond me. LOL. Oh well. I never thought about how much of the stuff I do was considered geeky. So rank em up boys I'm joining the geek army and we're out to kick some ass!!! HOOOWWAAA!!!
I scored a respectable 7.49507% - Poser. Hahaha. All you geeks!!!!!

Eeeps! I got 29.98028% - Total Geek
I thought I was much more fringe-geek... hmmm...

My geek score is...5.52268% - Poser
Wow! It's nice to know I have a life. I had doubts because I knew some things most people dont, but no I know I am not a Geek!
Blah, only 23.66864% here.
43.78698% Major Geek. I really didn't believe that I was so much of a geek. I guess this has been a wake up call. I wonder if the rafters in my house can support about 140 lbs.

15.58185% - Geek

11.04536% - Geekish Tendencies
Hoorah!!! I don't suck!!!
just one question to correspond (heysi) to those who scored higher on the test. So how many of you are trekies?