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I'm not a trekkie, and I scored pretty high on the test. I guess I am naturally disposed to geeky things.
17.15976% - Geek

Eh...I'm not too surprised by this. I new I was a geek allready.
I dont even watch Star Trek...I barely even watched Star Wars. Yet...even without being what I'd call eccentric...I still got a huge score just because I had to learn a lot of those things... Just because I can program doesn't mean I'm a geek damn it...OH HARSH DENIAL WHY MUST THOU HAUNT ME!!! Just keep tellin yourself that Tripp...Go to the happy place...
5.91716%---Poser. Hmmm I don't have much of a life but I'm not a geek too. Dohzzz...what does that mean?Big Grin I know nuts about the computer even though I've taken C programming before. Well, I sure did plot world domination before I go to sleep. :p Oh well....
22.28797 -- Geek. Heh. I blame my love of reading for a lot of it cause I checked off most of those authors. That and being exposed to lots of star trek by osmosis. Wink It's always on around here but that's not my fault! Hehe. I didn't know that owning 7 Deadly Venoms and Crippled Avengers would count as a geek point either. Who knew that classic hk kung fu was geeky? Wink
No trekkie here, but i think my score was based upon the fact that i checked a whole lot of the do you believe in section. I have also plotted to rule the world a couple timesBig Grin
Three things contributed to my score:

1. My husband, Schultz, the Total geek Wink
2. The amount of reading I do
3. I got five points because I'm FEMALE!!!

No Star Trek contribution. I used to watch Next Generation a lot...but stopped when I was about 14.
Heh heh, I'm 8.6785% - Poser
Well my score is: 24.45759% - Geek
And yes I consider myself a Trekkie. I begin to know that I was a Trekkie when I was like 6 years old (This is true i have been watching ST all my childhood and my teen years too). I like spaceships, aliens and to go boldy where no man has gone before... so what! I like Lost in Space the series and the new movie. I like to play with the force (meaning I like Star Wars). I am a fan of many Sci-Fi and Futuristic movies and series. And most important I considered myself an old style fansub OtakuBig Grin
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