Sanosuke, sorry you didn't exactly suceed at your goal.
As for Lonely Monkey, this is normally the point I ask what beach, but taking into account the fact taht I don't care, plus that post is a day old, yeah. Also I'd like to add one thought, nevermind the crab jokes are getting a bit lame...
Yes, yes they are. I was gonna pm you and tell you to stop with them, but since you seem to have stopped i guess it would be a waste of time. Please no more bad jokes about me on the forum. I'm not a slut or anything that you've called me, and it's not too kewl to have to see my character trashed on the internet. Especially to the ppl in here that don't know me, and are gettin they're impressions of me through what you and I say. Sorry I didn't take this to a pm, but I thought that I'd just tell all the ppl in the forum that I'm not really a bitchy little slut.
To set things stright about her character for everyone, no, she's not a slut, but every now & then she'll admit to being a bitch. As for her lying habbits, she claims she hasn't in a while, but there's no proove of lying, her stories come close to contridicting themselves. BUT! she did lying a lot when I first met her, & even when I told her I knew she was lying she lied again, & told me she didn't lie to begin with, ever since then I haven't trusted 75%, which was as much as I trusted her before we got into a big mess. She's a nice kid to most people, but I still thinks she's a lying (sometimes) bitch (which she admits to being).
And yes I will always hold the fact taht she lied against her, now if instead of saying sorry, she would admit that she did lie I'd be a lot happier. Insteed of admitted she did the thing I hate her for, she just says sorry I lied. Which is ok at first, but still..I'm a very picky person.
Also if anyone wants to know why I think she's a bitch just ask, I think I can summaries it into one or two posts. If she's ok with you people knowing that is. Peace...
Batz, dude, stop beating a dead horse.... everyone lies.... heck, dont take it the wrong way, but I'd lie to you if I met you
One thing about being online and whatnot is that you dont deal with your every day issues and whatnot... why bring this stuff up for every stranger on the net, if you have an issue with her, bring it up to her, not go fishing for sympathy on the net by trashing her...
I have lied before.... I have been a bitch before... I have been many things before.... but I still think I am a good person... thats all that matters, atleast to me.
Live long and prosper dude...
I'm not fishing for sympathy, & I can't stand people who do, sorry if it seemed like I was. As for lying I could have understood if she hadn't went out of her way to lie to me, & admits she does that kind of junk to hurt people for her own entertainment, talking about it on here is not only the only way I get her to talk about (she ignores my e-mails, dodges my questions on an instant messenger, & would rather be shot than see me in r/l), & I don't want her to try the same sh!t on someone else as she did on me. But I'll admit, what she did to me wasn't a bif deal, it happens all the time, it's just I don't deal with things as easily as others.
In other words: I don't hate her because she said she loved me & then later hinted that is was a lie, but more of the fact that she won't admit that she lied, went out of her way to try & hurt me, & then everytime I want her to stop leading me on (or so it seems) she starts this crap about she needs me. And then when she finally says she doesn't need me, she says something like "I lied to myself & said I didn't need you, so now I don't." And I come back to her. I can't help the fact even though all this & some other junk, I said I would care for her, & that requires me to believe all her seemingly to be lies.
I just get tried of it, but seeing as how she's trying to be nice, I guess I should finally forgive her, but it'd be a lot easier if she would admit she "used" me...
good words JJ, and batz i can see where your coming from and i totally emphasise with your problem. but im starting to think that maybe its time we all moved on (yes, i think im ready). a wise man once said to me "son, girls come and go, but those sad bastards that post on anime forums and message boards will be around forever", at first i was surprised and confused whether or not he was insulting me, but i quickly made the decision to keep my middle finger at bay and take some of the best advice ever given by a mere mortal.
dont worry batz, youll find a good honest girl soon enough and after months of trying to get some off her, youll wish she was a slut

Yeah, moveing on was, & in a way still is my goal. I learned not to care as much about her & her well being, not to say I wouldn't help her if she has a problem.
As for wishing one was a slut, actually I doubt I'd like that to often, I go through many different "personalities" or ways of thinking, yeah sure I have a VERY big perverted side, but at the same time there's one part of my brain that says sex is stupid, I shun this side very often, but anywho. Plus, the slutty attitude is a big turn off for me.
Listen you... I'm done witht his crap. SO i lied, so what. Everyone lies, and it's just a part of life. You and I were pretty close friends, and then the jokes started, and even though they were/ are mean and hurtful, I stick around to take more punishment from you. But no matters, my philosophy is forgive and forget, and that's what I've done everytime. SO... well that's all

First of all, get tehe story stright. We were close friends, then you said everything between us was just some shitty act you were putting on, then my mean jokes started, & if they bothered you could have said please stop, but NO, you just strated to ignore me completely.
You worked your way into being the most important person in my life, then all of a sudden you just dropped out. And I don't even know why I guess I was in disbelieve or denial but I wasn't hurt at all, then you seemed up set that I was mad, & then I guess it hit me. The one person I worshiped didn't seem to even want to talk to me again.
AND GOD it's just like when we first became friends, each our stoires about how we've been hurt, & why we're pissed off are always the same. "even though they were/ are mean and hurtful, I stick around to take more punishment from you." And you don't think what you did to me wasn't painful, & on top of that I told you to take me off that stupid list of yours, I knew I'd never move up on it, & didn't like being reminded of your lies, but no. Everytime you had a single doubt in your mind that your relationship MAY end you would bring me back up, just to drop me again. It would hurt accpect for the fact I always know ahead of time I'm never moving up, & I told you I don't care about moving up, it's not a goal in my life in anyway, the only time it even came close was when I almost trusted you 100%.
And would you stop saying you're sorry for something, & just admit what you're sorry for. As I've said many many times, you always say I'm sorry for lying, hell I could careless you about automaticly forgiven, I just want you to stright out say what you lied about. Because you never admited to really lying to me, you just always said you were sorry for it.
And what jokes hurt you, the whole lying, bitch junk? Ever think they weren't jokes? Not saying they weren't but I mean come on, you yourself said "Why me, I'm just a little bitch!" & you may never openly admit to lying, but you apologize for it. And if these jokes hurt you, does it fit under the "I'll do anything to help you even if it cost me my life." policy.
So don't try to turn this crap around, or defend your character. You knew I cared & would have done anything that you asked (atcept hold your suicide note like you asked).
And, I've already forgiven you for what you keep apologizing for, it just took me a little while because it was worse considering the fact I didn't even really like you at all (besides as another person to help) until you started talking about us being something. And you've yet to tell me why you kinda got upset when I said I didn't care that I was "used".
Forgive & forget my @$$, you forgive people for what they've done then sit around & talk about your memories of being scared. You only forget the things you probably shouldn't & rant on about as much as I do, just you used to only complain about things to me, but now when you don't have to you don't even talk to me. Still love you like a little sis though:p
Once again, sorry guys. She never responds to my apologies, or hate letters through e-mail so I have to take it to the forum, plus I guess it almost fits in this thread.
Just drop it already. I already said that I lied to you. You want to drag it on, then find someone else to do it with. I'm leaving in 11 days, and I'd like to leave ona good note. Or are you doin what you did the last day of school, and try to push me away?
You know Batz, listening to the things you say, if you are in real life 30% of what you or even 10% of what you say, I can totally understand people lying to you in order to avoid doing whatever with you. I've lied to plenty of people just because they were gross/freaked me out or whatever. From your posts, I imgine you as some gross kid and really, I doubt there are many people who feel differently on this board. This has dragged on long enough.
If you are like what you say in the posts, then there are people who won't like you and you're going to ahve to understand, people don't like stalkers. Just because you like stalking them, doesn't mean they like you stalking them.
If you AREN'T like what you say you are in your posts, then you're as dirty a liar as they are. Hypocrites are the worst people in the world.
Lonely_monkey: I must be missing something here...
Lonely Monkey, I've tried to drop this junk many times (my last two post were basicly me trying to say I'm done with it), & no I'm not trying to push you away. Hell, I'm about doing the total oppisite. You only really tell the truth when you're pissed off at me, & even then it seems hard for you to stay mad for I guess about 5 min.s of you sharing & telling me what you really think, then back to never hearing anything from you at all. Anywho, I'm glad you're glad about moving. Hope you're happy, I'll miss "you", Peace ^_^.
As for Kakomu, I don't really stalk people as in the legal terms or whatever, & yes, I'm just as weird as I post about being. I just normally keep it to myself unless I feel comfortible around the people I'm talking to, or that will read/hear it. I don't believe in advertising "Hey! I'm weird! Look at me, I need attention!" I think that's just gay.
And if someone feels that I'm too weird of a person to be around it doesn't hurt my feelings at all, I'm me, can't help it, but I'd preffer if they were to tell the truth. If I was to ask someone to hang out with me, instead of hearing I'm busy, when really they're not it would be nicer if they were to say "No you weird pyscho kid, get the hell away from me & leave me alone before I call the cops." The truth never hurts as long as it's all you ever hear, but when the truth corrects a lie, then I have a problem. But, anywho, thanks for your opinion ^_^. But as it goes with be weird, I'd also like to point a finger at Lonely Monkey, who used to be glad she's weird, & I mean almost as weird as me.
I don't think she would appreciate you pointing a finger or anything else at her at this point. Why don't you two settle all this crap over instant messenger. Save the rest of us the pointless diatribe.
Batz, if lies is the worst you have to worry about consider yourself pretty damn lucky. I'm not gonna beat a dead horse, but seriously. My Uncle was killed in a drunk driving incident, and the fucker didn't even stick around so we could find out who it was. He was out picking up some infant items for his one year old daughter, and something for his wife. My other Uncle took a trip to Belize. It was his supposed dream vacation. We were all definitely happy for he and his family (aunt and cousin). In a robbery at the hotel he protected his wife and son. He was shot so many times with automatic and high caliber rifles that even the best medical facilities couldn't have helped him. My cousin (his son) held him in his arms while he watched as he died. Now that's something to think about. It happened 5 years ago and there isn't a that goes by where my cousin doesn't think about it. I'm not trying to throw some heavy burden on you, just something to think about.
Note: I'm not looking for sympathy and I'm sorry to have to mention this on the board. It's certainly not the right place but I just wanted to put things in perspective.
If you ever want to get something off your chest just PM me.
Yeah, if you think you have it hard then look at other peoples lives.
I recomend you check out the movie "Requiem for a Dream" by Darren Aronofsky, it really puts things into perspective. your everyday problems are next to nothing.