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Talk about hit it right on the money. ESRB is just a from of control... wait I am beginging to sound like the Matrix
Thought I would throw in a bit of my two cents here, er whatever.

I for one don't like anything that keeps me from getting the video game I want, but when go over to my friends house, & his little 10 year old brother is playing GTA3 chasing down every old woman in the game so that he can shoot them in the back with a shotgun, then while we're playing he constantly points his fingers at my head & exclaims "Bang! Yo dead muthafucka." Over & OVer I believe he has problems. His parents may not be the best in the world, but still.

As for violent video games making violent peopole. The only really violent kids I know don't have the money to buy video games. They come from "broken" homes.

My parents never sat down beside me & explained everything to me. And YES I was allowed to watch rated R movies. Been able to ever since I remember. Example: The year Barbed Wire (I think is the name) came out my family watched it on Pay Per View or wehatever. Yes there was nudity, & lots of killing, but I've never been scared by it.
Sure I wanted to learn to fight when I was little because of power rangers, kung fu movies, & well be3cause ninjas are cool, but this was not to hurt people I thought was "evil", or the bad guys. It was childish fun.
I wouldn't say my parents are the best in the world, but hell they let me make my own desictions, & I turned out pertty decent.

On second thought, you should probably forget everything I just said.
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