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Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
I'll probably get Fatal Frame (will get) on the PS2 since that is the system I own.
I guarantee that you will love it...well, as long as you're in the mood for an excellent survival horror.
I've been playing Jak and Daxter, along with a bit of Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution.
OK borrowed Arc of the Lad from Schultz...(he doesn't care for the game because it is a "strategy RPG") I have to say this is a damn good game.
It plays like Vandal Hearts 2 but has a story like it came out of a Ann Rice
novel. A great game I would suggest it to anyone who is a RPG lover, except if you hate games like FF: tactics... you might want to read some reviews and see what you think... I like the battle set up some people don't....
Just bought an Xbox so I'm playing Halo even though the PC version is just around the corner.
I have been playing Starcraft. Damn why is that game so addictive.
Well I'm in the middle of playing a few:
Breath of Fire III, IV, and DQ
Dragonball Z: Budokai
Kingdom Hearts
Grandia Xtreme
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Deulist of The Roses
Shining Force 1 (About the 5th time through)
Shining Force 2 (About the 10th time through)
Shining Force 3 (About the 10th time through)
Mostly thogh I've been playing different emulator/roms on my GP32.
Just got some of my XBox games back, but mainly Im toying around with...
GTA Vice City
NBA Street
Star Wars Jedi Outcast
Splinter Cell
Castlevania Aria Of Sorrow
Golden Sun
Though I dont play them very often... still have to beat the original Buffy XBox game. So many games, so little time.
Quote:Originally posted by Berserker
Clock Tower 3
Excellent survival horror game with a real cool concept...instead of fighting run and hide...nice.
BTW, for kakoi and anyone else that is interested, here's some pics of the new Fatal Frame that will be out soon...Fatal Frame: Crimson Butterfly <--older pics <--newer pics
That game truly does look scary!:eek: I need to see if I can at least rent the old one, perhaps tomorrow.
Recenty (as of today) I have been playing Soul Calibur II on the gamecube. Very fun.

Getting in one of my Resident Evil moods again...
Just started Resident Evil Ø once again.

I've been in my Metal Gear mode (damn you konami! Hurry up, and release the next two!) so I have been playing sons of liberty on my new surround sound system. Damn, life is sweet.

For the GB Player:
Golden Sun: Lost Age
Lost is right...I am not sure where the story is going in this one!!
Been playin' the crap out of Advance Wars on gba. Man this game is sweet!
Well getting into .Hack infection for the PS2, but I have just picked up Wrestlemania 19 for the GC... first off this game is so sweet and then it sucks at the same time...why you ask?
First the bad... the game has a story mode and it blows, look I feel wrestleing games are like any other sport they need to have a season mode...
The good the create a wrestler is off the hook... it is so detailed it isn't even boring like Smackdown 4 was... but enough out of me
Oh I also picked up Castlevania AOS for the GBA and that game rocks...
right now i am playin lunar and lunar 2
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
For the GB Player:
Golden Sun: Lost Age
Lost is right...I am not sure where the story is going in this one!!
I loved the first Golden Sun. I beat that in 3 days! Yes, I had nothing to do for the beginning of my Summer Vacation and I borrowed the game from my friend and just sat there playing for hours...I woke up and played it..yes, it was sad...yet so fulfilling ^_^. I haven't indulged in a game like that in a long time. I actually beat the boss and didn't realize it was the ending boss. It was just cool that that was only the start of the adventure....even though it was the end of the first game.
I bought Lost Age game when it first came out and haven't really had time to play it...I have so many games I bought and barely play or play halfway through...I just don't have the motivation or time to play them like I used to....always have something to blows...
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