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*injects thread with T-virus so it will live again*
Finally finished Arc the Lad II
I'm about halfway through Resident Evil 2(GC), and I'm playing Resident Evil 3(GC) a bit also.
Well final sat my self down and started Skies of Arcadia... and damn glad I have... Berserker how is RE2 & RE3 ojn the Gamecube I know they didn't get the upgrade that RE0 and RE did but is there anything new... is smoother no PS jaggies... give me the dirt
RE2 looks a little bit better than it did on the PSX jaggies, the backgrounds look a little blurry compared to the DC version. The sad thing is, the DC version still has a lot more bang for your buck. It had full screen FMV's but the GC version has widescreen FMV's just like the PSX version. And they also didn't bother to put in the extra files that were in the N64 version...
RE3 is just like the DC version(and the DC version looked excellent), except you cannot pick the outfit for Jill from the start and the Mercenary mission mode is not available until you beat it...other than that it looks great.
BTW, which Skies of Arcadia do you have...DC or GC?
I was upset that Resident Evil 2 didn't get the upgrade.:mad:
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
I was upset that Resident Evil 2 didn't get the upgrade.:mad: and me both. Especially after seeing how nice the former RE2 areas looked in RE0...but no, Capcom had to have expensive ports of 2 and 3. Don't even get me

I think I threw a tantrum for a couple of months over that one.:mad:
due to the lack of a video games console i am currently managing Manchester United to european glory in championship manager 4 on my laptop, probably not a big seller in the usa...
Berserker asked Quote:BTW, which Skies of Arcadia do you have...DC or GC?
I have the GC version... and everything I have seen so far has impressed me. I had a copied version of the DC version (but it would lock right after the first boss battle.) and it is a great improvment not only in the polygon count but in loading time as well...
hmm.... i'm currently going between a few games....
Final Fantasy 7 (PC)
Vampire: The Masquerade (PC)
Get Backers (PS2)
and DDR whenever i get a chance :p
Just started Blood Omen 2 (GC). I've already been through this game once with the PS2 version, but that one had glitches galore. Hopefully the GC version fixed that problem. The worst glitch was the out of sync voices in the final cutscene.
I'll tell you this much the Glitches are gone and it loads faster. I played it on the PS2 as well and now own it on the GC. I am much happier with the GC version...
That's good to hear. I have run into one very minor glitch that the PS2 had. Sometimes, very rarely, the framerate slows down when Kain turns a complaints though, especially after that PS2 version.

I pulled out my old Final Fantasy Tactics for the PsOne. It's fun to go back through, I'm planing on de-leveling Orlandu back down to level 1 & then go back up to level 99. But that's going to take SOME time, lucky I have no life

Games I am currently playing
Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness
Enter the Matrix
Wild Arms 3
well i have been playing Enter the matrix.. i think i am almost all the way through it.. I really don't like how they have worked the story at all..
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