ahem.. yeah.
No seriously though... hmmm. I don't like bad girls, and I don't like house wives either. Someone who is smart with an intense sense of purpose. Not too hot, but pretty hot. Most definitely not Faye Valentine, you guys must be sado-masochists.
Asuka Langley would a very good choice, same with Naru Narusegawa (if I could avoid getting beat up).
Seriously though, my real answer is probably pretty unexpected, but I think I'd be happiest with Merril Strife. She's mature, has direction, is pretty, and has lots of donuts. Seriously, what else do you need?
Thinking about Trigun I would say Rem Savarem, but she's too good for me. I wouldn't be worthy of someone that beautiful in soul.
excel is way to hyper from my type, I would end up killing her 10 times over :mrgreen:
Man I'm going for the Ashia Clan of the Katars... (Outlaw Star) Now that is a woman who gettis the blood going. On the Ranma kick... I'd have to go with Ukyo... She has got it all cooks, cleans, fights, and is pretty damn hot to...
Ukyo is my runner up in Ranma land. I really love it when Nabiki becomes Ranmas Fiancee, and all of the women target her. Great stuff. :mrgreen:
NAbiki and Shampoo have My Vote!...In Ranma land!
Quote:Originally posted by "morgorath"
Man I'm going for the Ashia Clan of the Katars... (Outlaw Star) Now that is a woman who gettis the blood going. On the Ranma kick... I'd have to go with Ukyo... She has got it all cooks, cleans, fights, and is pretty damn hot to...
ashia is hot, but it would kind of bother me, knowing that she isnt human :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "kakomu"
This was brought up on IRC, and I thought I'd bring it to the boards. If you had the opportunity to have an anime girl become real and fall in love with you (or if you could snag them), which one would it be?
You could have at least gave me props for comming up with the question.

I would give you props Suzaku, but didn't we have a thread similar to this one a little while back?
Kroova had one, and in fact I did one a while back on the boards. Check it out. It's somewhere. I even asked this question on Audio Galaxy. ^_^
Yes the question get's brought up then dropped and the thread fades away and then someone new or newer than a few of us askes the question again... It's a Vicious, cycle and I even Austion powers can't make it stop...
yeah, and I am beginning to think I am missing out on this inside joke, where whenever vicious is mentioned its always in bold... heheh oh well,
this thread has a slightly different topic though, its not who you think is the hottest but who would you like to take home at night. personality is completely ignored in the first one, so I guess this one isnt exactly the same :mrgreen:
Oh, OOPS. I was considering personality in the first one too.
for shame! women are objects!!! how long will it take you to realize that?! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Damn me and my conscience. 8O
I'm trying to think of another female that I would take home from an anime, but lots of women in anime come of VERY over bearing. I would probably be a wife beater.