Usually, i see a lot of posts of this type in other boards so.....yeah....what are you guys going to do ??!!?! Me ? well, i'm going to get fucked up. Anybody else ?
im going to sign off pretty soon, and wish I was you when I sleep doing..... stuff :mrgreen:
dieing from lack of sleep 8O .
and likeing it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I'm writing a term paper, afraid for what happened to the General Babble forum. Inspired by me.

good luck Steve. That reminds me I have a ton of homework to do tomarrow

uguguugugugugugugugugh, i completely forgot about my term papers.....damnit. I'll finish it tomorrow after my hangover. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey, Orgasm you weren't at the chat today. I was there.

steve, who won the other prizes? I could only stay there for the first and then I got booted off the comp.
Steve Won Ninja Scroll, Kakoi Sugoi Yama won Vampire Hunter D, and Neo Wolf won Cybernetics Guardian. A good time was had by all. =)
nice, hopefully I will be able to stay the whole time next chat. and maybe even win something ^_^
Well, I played Poker until 3 AM and won $190 and then I went to Denny's and got some food, came home and watched some of NeoRanga and went to sleep at about 5:30 AM.
I'm afraid of Denny's. Never been, but two guys were recetly shot in cold blood here at Denny's. It's uneasy to eat in at table where someone's guts were spilling out of.
Good going with the poker money. I'm no good at gambling.
Steve, apparently you never heard of the "Denny's All Night Killings" that happened a few years ago where some guy walked into a Denny's at midnight with a Tek 9 and killed 13 people. Then he got a way. Crazy, huh? Bet you'll never eat there again now

I would never want to eat there again ayways. its always so crouded and the food isnt that great.
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
Hey, Orgasm you weren't at the chat today. I was there. 
Wellllll, thanks for reminding me. :lol: