oh, ok hun. No worries.
Still what size will you use. Will there be bondage involed. I've never seen male bondage before, I get to learn something new I guess. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Ummm, no thanks he'll want to bring my sister into it, & ummm, well NO!
NO incest in the family... Good for you!!!

I wonder what David would think about you & your sister skipping, he already went crazy once with the licking thing.
Oh, you mean at the store? Yeah, we're kinda crazy when we get together, and are actually getting along.
h, when she told me she saw me I was like I saw you too, & then she asked me how I knew it was her. :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
One thing.. She's an idgit of the worse kind....
so, that doesn't mean we shouldn't love or care for her. God that doesn't sound like me at all, hard to believe it is my actual opinion. Yes, so sad, the Demon begins to fade...