should I alter my avatar to this?
yes, but to something other than Robin, and and forms of Robin.
I think you should change it to something completely different. Variety is the spice of life afterall. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Yes but if that is the case then why do I get the shaft from you guys when I go to change mine... I need to save it before I change it though I can't find the orginal... opps
You are overdue for a new avatar. It would be strange to see a new one though. :wink:
We will have to see what I come up with in the next few days
Yes Morg, I think I was the one who said not for yo uto change it, but my anxiety is not as high these days since I quit my job. I can handle it now if you change it. Try finding a picture of an exploding Hydrogen Bomb! Since you are War of the Yon Kishu! :wink: :twisted:
I just randomly change my stuff, and there's nothing any of you can say about it :mrgreen:
yeah, but its all kind of the same with the same looking faces and such...
oh well, I guess I am in the same position as before, I am to lazy to go and look for a new avatar so I will simply wait until a new and better one arises....
I really like your new ones Suzaku. There is just something about it that attracts my attention. :mrgreen:
We're not used to Suzaku's like we are to OO's avatar. Actually, do what you want. Decide for yourself. If you're tired of it, change it. We'll all get used to the new avatar eventually.
Go for something cool. Like Patrick Duffy.

See this is what I have discovered if Suzakuseikun doesn't change his Avatar and Zig twice a month I begin to worry. SInce his are always high quality and usually are of the same nature I can always pick him out. Kakoi on the other hand if you go back to Goku's (american) voice actor I will take drastic measures to correct it... As for Patrick Duffy I lived through it once I don't see a reason to live through him again...
hehe. I think Masako Nozawa is retired from my avatars list. I tortured you guys enough. :mrgreen: