Quote:Originally posted by "matthewmalay"
OptimisticOx Wrote:I wish there was just a site that you could download them.
Get Bittorent
Then go here
animesuki is the greatest site......they are a little slow compared to Baka and envirosphere, but they always get you the BT link so you dont have to hunt them down
I don't really use Bittorrent too much. I like DC++ better cause I'm usually behind on the new stuff and Bittorrent is only really good for brand new releases.
I haven't been downloading too much these last few weeks though but I'm getting ep 69 of Hikaru no Go right now using Bittorrent
Hikaru no Go is too many eps for me to watch. I'd liek to start it, but with all the new series out now I cant
Florida State did something so on the ports between like 23 and 500 are all slow as hell. So DC is VERY slow for me off of that, and my upload doesnt matter so BT is always faster. Although its a memory hog

Do your self a favor and download Hikaru no Go. It is excellent. :mrgreen:
why must i download Bittorent before i go there? is it important?
ok i just found out that it is

alright, I just downloaded up to episode 5, but I cant get to six, can anyone help me with this problem?
if you absolutely can't find the bittorrent link to dl, use mirc (another app) to goto the fansub (the group that sub the anime you've dl) irc (just like what IA had the chat last weekend) and locate a fserver that serve the eps you want for dl.
Here's a good site to teach you dl via mirc:
thanks a bunch, but I got the others through bittorent, something was screwed up before that I cant really place, oh well I got them and now I am happy :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
so your telling me that i am able to buy the whole cowboy bebop series just for $30...how can i buy it and thankz
thanks for the site i already bought it .i just purchased it as soon as soon as i found out by you thankz.... yeah i was thinking they wouldn't be perfect cause come on.......

well unperfection is a small price to pay for one sixth of the price!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
one sixth? save alot more with stuff like flcl and its damn worth the crazy subs!