I know there was this thread before, but instead of bring it back to life I thought I would just make freash one without 14 pages :mrgreen:
I myself, am looking forward to getting the rest of the avalible One piece that I don't own, along with all of Ranma :mrgreen:
Hey I remember when I made this thread. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I'm excited for the Ghibli boxset, and of course One Piece. :mrgreen:
I am currently wanting to get the rest of Lupin III, Ranma 1/2, Inu Yasha, One Piece, and Naruto as they come out. Also, I'd like to see LOGH and Mizu-iro Jidai (Blue Green Years) done.
I'd like to see Crayon Shin-chan and Ebichu come out in the US, but not a HK release because comedy is really not something that can be translated poorly and still be understood. And the jokes for ebichu are too adult for my japanese knowledge (although I'm learning)
I am currently wanting to get the rest of Lupin III, Ranma 1/2, Inu Yasha, One Piece, and Naruto as they come out. Also, I'd like to see LOGH and Mizu-iro Jidai (Blue Green Years) done.
I'd like to see Crayon Shin-chan and Ebichu come out in the US, but not a HK release because comedy is really not something that can be translated poorly and still be understood. And the jokes for ebichu are too adult for my japanese knowledge (although I'm learning)
I would love to see Crayon Shin-chan come out as well. I've read a little of the manga and love it. :mrgreen:
glad to see that this thread is so popular after the first 5 minutes :mrgreen: *edtit* oops it looks like it was a little over five minutes

well anyway, I am excited to watch what has been piling(or stacking rather) on my shelves. mainly berserk and maison Ikkoku. and I also want to buy the fushigi yuugi complete tv/ova from FX as soon as possible :mrgreen:
I need to buy Fushigi Yugi Seiryu so I can see how the series ends. I also want to get Princess Nine, Steel Angel Kurumi, and Tenchi Universe.
Rest of Lupin III.
Wait for Kodomo no omocha to release the last part and get a bundle.
Get Galaxy Express 999 TV part 1, 2 and the 3 movies ;-)
Actually, expecting a parcel from CookieJar with Moison Ikkoku, Sekai series, Lupin III s1, s2 part 1 and part2, and the Space battleship Yamato series !!
YaY! :twisted:
Quote:Originally posted by "Vicious"
I need to buy Fushigi Yugi Seiryu so I can see how the series ends. I also want to get Princess Nine, Steel Angel Kurumi, and Tenchi Universe.
princess nine? is it really that good? I saw a a trailor of it and although well done, somehow a womans baseball team really didnt catch me that much.
I'm rally looking forward to getting Saber Marionette J FX, which I already ordered from Bella. =) Hmm, other stuff that I'm gonna be buying at some point this year that I really want to see are Azumanga Daioh, Ai Yori Aoshi, and Koihime (yay hentai!

). There are 2 Sakura Wars series coming out in May that I'll be picking up R1 as well. Man, so much good stuff, so little $$..

yeah, I am also looking forward to watching Noir, once I get it from gunner7500
Quote:Originally posted by "OptimisticOx"
princess nine? is it really that good? I saw a a trailor of it and although well done, somehow a womans baseball team really didnt catch me that much.
The story is really well done. I didn't think I was going to like it either when I rented it, but it was much better than expected. Besides most of the time is devoted to the girls and their relationships and not on actual baseball games. The series is pretty underrated if you ask me, because people see the girls baseball thing and get turned off by it.
alright, I will give it a shot. and by that I mean I will download the first episode and if it is all that you say I might pick up the HK :mrgreen:
I agree, Saber Marionette J is at the top of my list. Ordering it when I get my next paycheck.
Right now I have Ghibli and One Piece on the mind. I'll be getting Saber Marrionette as well. :mrgreen: