yes, one piece, I really need to get the movies... by the way kakoi, do you know if there are more than 3 movies that just havnt been released HK yet?
I'm excited about Witch hunter Robin, l really like that series and want a better version of it, plus Berserk too.
Looking forward to ninja scroll tv as well
ninja scroll tv! sweet!!!! I remember talking about that a while ago. I really loved the movie and a a series would be awsome

(man I really need to keep with it with the anime knowhow

weatdrop: )
I just got Newtype, and it had a small feature there, looks good but l doubt we get the same level of violence as in the movie..
thats alright, as long as it has the same awsomeness of style, Im happy :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
The fourth One Piece movie "Dead End no Boken" just came out at the beggining of this month. So we will be waiting for awhile on that one. Get the movies they are really fun. Especially Choppers movie. So far it is the best one, and the extra movie actually has Oda Eiichiro in it as a character called Odachi. Very good stuff. :mrgreen:
nice, I am going to start kaddieing in a week or two, so once I get a steady cash flow going I am going to buy all of that :mrgreen:
They aren't very expensive, 11.50 a piece isn't bad considering thier fourty dollar price tag import. :mrgreen: Speaking of which, as soon as I get my check I'm buying an import Gamecube with the One Piece treasure battle game. It should rock. :mrgreen:
nice, but still I am in the middle of two trades, so I need the extra cash to afford everything.
I can't wait until the fourth movie comes out! From the little bit I have seen of it I can tell it is going to be completely awesome. So I guess I'm excited for that! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
nice, did you see a trailor or something? I will have to get it as well(along with the other three
:mrgreen: ) on average are they worse better or the same as the episodes?
i just ordered .hack//sign, blue seed and patlabor 3, so im lookin forward to watchin those, probably in like 2 days! i keep hearing talk of one piece in these forums, is it any good (well i guess it is), whats it about? is there any series that it is like? should i fork out dosh to buy it?
yes, buy now, I put more detailed info in the section in this forum titled "About One piece"
its one of the greatest animes, .... ever :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
i was just reading about it and it does sound pretty damn funky. a bit like the irresponsible captain tylor but better. what set (mac/fx/mi etc...) do you recomend because the reviews are all a bit mixed on the subs, i dont know what to believe :?
actually nevermind, i see you recommend the fx one in another thread. thanks