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Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - sangofe - 03-07-2003

what company made this box, i cant find it at ...

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - Rei1781 - 03-09-2003

This is the Mac-Anime Cartoon set..Also, you are really overpaying big time..No way in hell that set should be listed at that price..Just post it up in the request thread and Junkie Joe will get in for you in no time..Give him a week or so and it will cost about 36 bucks =)

Here's the link to the title just copy and paste it:

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - Vinny - 03-09-2003

Sailor Stars is out? When did it come out? Animeniacs, Discount Anime, and other palces didn't mention anything of it...

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - Rei1781 - 03-09-2003

Its been out for awhile just wasn't in the database =)

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - dallaslad - 03-09-2003

Anyone know if the subs/audio/video are any good?

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - sangofe - 03-10-2003

anyone know if they'll do the other sailor moon series?

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - JunkieJoe - 03-10-2003

I sure hope so Smile

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - Vinny - 03-10-2003

I'm surprised no one ever ripped the R1 release of Sailor Moon S and Super S.
Perhaps they're waiting to release the show from the beginning,a s ADV is releasing original and R uncut and subbed.

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - Shinn Asuka - 03-10-2003

ADV also has a habit of being slower than a rock trying to roll uphill. Confusedweatdrop:

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - Vinny - 03-10-2003

And editing releases (Lost Universe), overlaying (to many titles to count), but they were one of the firsts to start offering more episodes a disc.

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - gunner7500 - 03-29-2003

every thing on that sailor stars set is good i saw it already

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - Fairymon - 04-01-2003

Okay, here's the deal.
The fansubber for Sailor Stars (VKLL) released all 9 volumes of his Sailor Stars fansub on DVD, which he encoded himself straight from the LDs. Well, AS-MAC picked up on it and ripped 'em to 4 DVD-9s at an average of 8 episodes a disc.
Unfortunately for AS-MAC, the Stars series is being released on R2 DVDs VERY soon. Also, Classic is ALREADY on R2, which just goes to show how lazy lazy lazy AS-MAC is when it comes to ripping. Big Grin

EDIT: And about ADV being lazy, OMG they are. If they would only hurry up and release Giant Robo on DVD! >.< Plus, they've got the rights to Nukunuku DASH, and Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran, but have yet to do anything with them.

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - dvd_master - 04-04-2003

Fairymon, you're wrong. This can't be a rip of VKLL's fansubbed DVDs since those have permanent subtitles. MAC's are removable.

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - HarukaTenoh11 - 04-04-2003

It is not VKLL fansub script either I have all of VKLL's Stars tapes as well as the dvd set and there is a difference in the translations.

Sailor stars DVD, who made this? - UreiBaka - 04-05-2003

Either way, I bought the set from here recently, I'm only a few episodes in so I'm not sure if the subs quality regresses at any point but so far it's looking really great and I'm incredibly excited about it, the nostalgia is almost more than I can take, hopefully MAC releases the other seasons because I'm definitely looking to get the entire series.