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Trade lists - Cidien - 04-24-2006

Does nobody use the trade board anymore? I posted my list a few days ago and not only no reponse but it's still at the top of the list. Last time I posted I think it was like the 10th one down the very next day....

Trade lists - Puppet Master - 04-25-2006

Cidien Wrote:Does nobody use the trade board anymore? I posted my list a few days ago and not only no reponse but it's still at the top of the list. Last time I posted I think it was like the 10th one down the very next day....

I'm not sure why but your right as of late I've also noticed that it's been completely dead for the most part. I guess it's just one of those inactive times but for the past few months for the most part this entire place has been that way except for those caption contest threads.

Trade lists - odin0425 - 04-25-2006

i was thinking the same thing a couple of days ago...but infact as i was typing this message i looked up at my private messenges and low and behold i found a taker...maybe it will pick up agian!

Trade lists - Cyrus - 04-26-2006

most likely it's because its been a slow anime season or whatever you want to call it.

as far as i know there hasnt been that much new anime hitting hk's and sense the forums were so active before they got slow almost dead i imagine most of the people who are veterans here are waiting for more anime.

Im waiting for FMA and a few other things myself

Trade lists - JunkieJoe - 05-01-2006

I am thinking of doing something to revitalize trade forum, maybe wipe all the old threads so that people know that the new trade threads that are posted are new current and from active users.

Let me know what you guys think/post any other suggestions u guys have.

Trade lists - Cidien - 05-01-2006

Ya give us a couple days notice so we can copy/paste to a word document first.

Trade lists - Puppet Master - 05-01-2006

I agree with Cidien just give a few days and it will be fine. I am interested in seeing what you have planned though.