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Problem playing subtitles form dvd on pc - Printable Version

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Problem playing subtitles form dvd on pc - RF_InSAnE - 02-21-2006

I've got a problem. Every time I try to play a dvd on my pc Windows Media Player can't find any subtitles.
This started around the time I installed an update for WMP. So my guess is there's a problem there, but Microsoft doesn't know anything about it.

Does anyone else have this problem or even better know a possible solution?

Problem playing subtitles form dvd on pc - Zagatto - 02-21-2006

Google Media Player Classic and download that to watch DVDs with instead.
It takes much less system resources and has no problems playing subtitles on DVDs.

Problem playing subtitles form dvd on pc - gubi-gubi - 02-21-2006

Zagatto Wrote:Google Media Player Classic and download that to watch DVDs with instead.
It takes much less system resources and has no problems playing subtitles on DVDs.

And it can load external subs for a dvd (a huge bonus for us HK watchers!).

Problem playing subtitles form dvd on pc - RF_InSAnE - 02-22-2006

How can I load external subtitles from a dvd for MPC (I already had that problem and it works fine with most dvd's, but not this one)?

By the way before someone starts saying the subtitles on this dvd are missing, on my standalone dvd-player it works fine.

Problem playing subtitles form dvd on pc - RF_InSAnE - 02-22-2006

Never mind. I found another program that plays my dvd's with subtitles.

Thanks for the help.

Problem playing subtitles form dvd on pc - YamiFan - 02-22-2006

This link to a particular program might be able to help...

Problem playing subtitles form dvd on pc - Schultz - 02-22-2006

and link to Media Player Classic is