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Older Anime - Cyrus - 08-31-2005

ok i got a question

Also i saw an anime that was in outer space and there was this huge metal computer like thing that seemed to almost have a God quality but further then that i can't remember except that i think it had a rust color.

I saw another anime that everyone was a girl on this planet then a new life form was born and it was a guy and everone was like wow your the chosen one or whatever (yes it sounds like a porno but it wasn't)

And for the life of me i keep thinking there was a really cool anime called blade runner (not the live action movie) but yeah it was cool but i can't really remember it and i don't know if thats the right name or not i just keep thinking that must be the name.

There was one other that these people seemed to be in a dream or something and it was really bizarre it was almost like all these people from different worlds were together it may be a chinese ghost story but im not sure if anyone is can they confirm this before i buy it

I seem to think in one of these anime's i think it was the blade runner one there was a bunch of robots that battled and i seem to think they actually bled or something like that maybe they were cyborgs or androids im not sure but i know the robots im thinking of were seperate from robot carnival

If anyone knows any of these anime let me know by pming me or whatever and this should just about do it for old anime i used to remember that id like to see again it was all stuff that was on sci fi

Also robot carnival is on my list to find

Older Anime - kcpacman - 09-01-2005

dunno bout the space god one but I think The boy coming out of the egg was at the end of Gallforce

Older Anime - Cyrus - 09-02-2005

for gallforce do giant machines or war vehicles start blowing each other up after the boy is born or is that not in gall force

cus i know that it woulda been a movie.

Im pretty sure that the boy was born from an egg early in the movie like the movie started out like that after 15 minutes but i might be wrong

i read a desc and it really seems like this is it but so is it a set of movies or a whole series or what cus it seems pretty cool at least the movie was cool if i remember right so is it small big or what if anyone knows? and is it any good?

Older Anime - puzzleguy - 09-23-2005

could the one be Chinese ghost story ? picked that one up at a Big lots for about 3-4 dollars, not really that bad of a movie , has alot of action and earlier cg stuff .