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Rayearth on DVD? - Printable Version

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Rayearth on DVD? - bellreisa - 11-01-2002

Does anyone know if Rayearth has been put on DVD, domestic or HK? I don't mean the Rayearth TV series (a.k.a. Magic Knight Rayearth), but the OAV where everyone has giant robots and Ferio uses bugs. ^^;; And Clef isn't small.

Rayearth on DVD? - desfunk - 11-02-2002

nope.... sadly it's STILL not on dvd yet u_u

Rayearth on DVD? - Shinn Asuka - 11-03-2002

I've made this post before. No, it was never relased outside of VHS and LD. I wish they'd release it. . .