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GuiltyGearX2Animeunlock? - preeminent - 06-09-2005

I couldn't find GGX2 for the PS2 at first so I bought if for the Xbox instead. I was told I could unlock the anime after I completed the game. Well many many many hours later I completed it and was THEN told it could only be unlocked in the PS2 version :mad: . SO . . . .I searched and searched and now I am the proud owner of 3 copies of the PS2 version. :p (I figured I would bogart them for gifts or something.) I am currently playing the PS2 version and love it but, before I spend the many hours beating it again I must know. Well I just wanted to know what I have to do to unlock this phantom anime. So please anyone, have you unlocked it? How do I do so? :eek: Does God hate me? I mean, I skipped work for this game. Rolleyes

GuiltyGearX2Animeunlock? - darkanx - 06-09-2005

Ummm...there's an anime? I am pretty sure I have unlocked everything in my copys of GGX, GGX2, and GGX:I, and no anime's to be found other than opening sequences and such, as far as I know.

I think you may have been dupped. Unless someone knows something I don't?

GuiltyGearX2Animeunlock? - geo85 - 06-09-2005

As far as I know all there is is tons of pictures and stuff, no actual anime and I have both the ps2 and xbox version.

GuiltyGearX2Animeunlock? - preeminent - 06-09-2005

From what I hear, If you use any cheat codes whatsoever it will not unlock unless you restart from the beginning. This is only what I've heard. I can only hope my sources are correct and that I recieve more info.
A girl can dream can't she? :p
Please someone throw me a bone.

GuiltyGearX2Animeunlock? - geo85 - 06-10-2005

I picked it up as soon as it was released and did not hear of what you speak, I didnt even know there were cheat codes.

GuiltyGearX2Animeunlock? - rarnom - 06-10-2005

there is no unlockable anime. A good friend of mine is a maniac about these games and he has found no such unlockable, and if anyone would find it, he would.

GuiltyGearX2Animeunlock? - DARK OSAMU - 06-14-2005

Im gone for so long and come back to this? Time for some schoolin'.....

Im prolly the biggest GG freak on the earth...The "Anime" is just a cartoon short for the 2nd game only. I have the PS2 version and its playable from the start. Its just a little thing to show what you're getting into and thats all. There is no anime yet and I promise i will kiss my PC screen when i find out there is or ever will be.

The Dark One Has Spoken!