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Kids WB cancels weekday kiddie block - Printable Version

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Kids WB cancels weekday kiddie block - rugrats1 - 05-30-2005

According to TV Week (as reported in Radio-Info), the WB has cancelled the weekday "Kids WB" lineup (home of hacked-up anime shows like "Yu-Gi-Oh" and "Pokemon"), effective January. They plan on giving the time slot back to their affiliates for their own use, while keeping the Saturday morning block.

This, of course, was the same thing the old Fox Kids did when they exited weekdays.

Kids WB cancels weekday kiddie block - Mantis421 - 05-30-2005

WB is still on the air? J/K thats a shame for the younger viewers who are just starting to watch the kiddie anime. Thats how my little brother got into anime. started with Yu-Gi-Oh type shows. He's in the sixth grade now and he is watching stuff like Trigun and Escaflowne. He hates all of the americanized cartoons and Disney because he says they are for little kids and this comes from a kid who really still is one himself