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Devil May Cry 3 - desfunk - 03-10-2005

If you own a ps2, you should ALL be playing this game!

Not only does it make up for that sack of crap known as DMC2, it even puts part 1 to shame. This game took everything that was great about the series, and made it even better.

More story, more moves, more style, more combos, quick changing on the fly of weapons, the graphics have been improved greatly, and Dante is more cocky then ever.

The one complaint you'll see everywhere, is that this game is considered to be 'impossible' by some. Because seriously, it really is. I had a hell of a time just playing it on easy, so i'd hate to see anything else. Even if the levels were easy, the boss fights require you to use every trick in the book. Though some can just be brutal.

What really stands out for me though, is just how over the top and zany the story scenes are. They have some of the coolest fight scenes i've ever seen. You'd think Kitamura directed them (which i can SWEAR they said he did, but i couldn't find his name anywhere in the credits)

Overall, this is one of those 'must own' ps2 games. Especially if you're a fan of the original.

//edit// DMC3 is no longer the sack of crap!!! Thanks for pointing out that typo Tongue... I really meant that craptastic piece of crap known as part 2

Devil May Cry 3 - -spike- - 03-10-2005

Yeah, I just bought it the other day. Freaking rocks, but hard as hell. A tip for some people who may have just bought it, play the first level twice so that you can upgrade your guns, it halps alot.

Devil May Cry 3 - Batz Kage - 03-10-2005

I got it 3/2/05 the day it reached my town.

To me it's A LOT easier than the first one, but one Hell of a rollercoaster.

And most of the cutscenes in which Dante shows off his personality are really cheesey, but I wouldn't have them any other way Big Grin

Devil May Cry 3 - Black Howling - 03-12-2005

Devil may cry 3 is a great game. You can even play 2 player (you might have too play 2 or 3 times do).

P.S. desfunk you do know you said that DMC3 is a sack of crap while at the same time you said it was better than a sack of crap. Must be a mistake.

Devil May Cry 3 - Batz Kage - 03-13-2005

Black Howling Wrote:Devil may cry 3 is a great game. You can even play 2 player (you might have too play 2 or 3 times do).

P.S. desfunk you do know you said that DMC3 is a sack of crap while at the same time you said it was better than a sack of crap. Must be a mistake.
Hey, he meant DMC 2; although I disagree with his opinion, I liked 2 more than 1, & 3 more 2.
1 was fun, but just didn't seem to have the same stylish appeal as 2, inwhich you could run on wall & the sort. I play DMC games for the Style, so even useless & cheesey stuff like that is a big plus; as for how people like to compare the story behind 1 & 2, they both have about the same quaility, in that they both suck...hard.
It's just people continusly try to say that the first one actually has a (worth while) "story" to it -_-

Devil May Cry 3 - Cyrus - 03-13-2005

hopefully devil may cry 3 is a lot better then the previous 2

the first was way to short and really easy

and the second one had no story and was even easier

in my oppinion if you can do without guns go for the onimusha series

I have all 3 of those and they are top notch the 3rd isn't as good as the second but it is if you like fighting more then story but seriously they are awesome.

Besides they have amazing reply value

if you really like Devil may Cry tho i have the second one up for trade or sell on my list under that forum

let me know please Tongue

Devil May Cry 3 - Batz Kage - 03-13-2005

Cyrus Wrote:hopefully devil may cry 3 is a lot better then the previous 2

the first was way to short and really easy

and the second one had no story and was even easier

in my oppinion if you can do without guns go for the onimusha series

I have all 3 of those and they are top notch the 3rd isn't as good as the second but it is if you like fighting more then story but seriously they are awesome.

Besides they have amazing reply value

if you really like Devil may Cry tho i have the second one up for trade or sell on my list under that forum

let me know please Tongue
I Own all three Devil May Crys & have Played Onimusha 2 & Blade Warriors Tongue

Personally I think DMC 3 builds on the coolness of 2, and isn't as hard as 1, less you count Heaven or Hell mode, which is kinda a joke. Although I must add I haven't even played hard mode yet.
The styles system is just plan awsome, & Dante in this one is just unforgetible.
The story too, is like miles above the other ones:
I rate the stories/plots biasly like this:
1) DMC3, it's just quite GOOD.
2) DMC2, see below for reason
3) DMC1, all those holyer than thou so called DMC fans who only claim they're a fan when you forget DMC2 ever exsisted used the fact that 1 "ACTUALY had a story to it", when the story to it was so, uh, lame...that their complete heckling of its greatness was retarded.. DMC 2 may not have a good story to it, but atleast I didn't have to read page after page of complete BS about how its plot was so much better than the other game which had the same content value.

Oh, & personally Onimusha 2 rocks hard, but it's not my style Sad ; as for Blade Warriors I love it Big Grin

Devil May Cry 3 - rav96 - 03-13-2005

All the DMC's are Good (of which DMC3 ive only played the demo...and DMC2 i bought the japanase when it came out coz i loved the first one so much and couldlnt wait...only to be dissapointed by it ease)

and all The Onimusha's are good except again 3 dissapointed me Sad
i hope DMC 3 delivers (im waiting for the UK release or may d/l its US iso...though to busy downloading animefansubs lately)