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E-Series company - Printable Version

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E-Series company - woodson - 03-07-2005

Has anyone heard anything about a company called E-series now doing what FX was.
I was wondering if the quality was any good.

E-Series company - gubi-gubi - 03-07-2005

woodson Wrote:Has anyone heard anything about a company called E-series now doing what FX was.
I was wondering if the quality was any good.

Any links/pics?

E-Series company - woodson - 03-07-2005

I found it on another company selling anime

E-Series company - gubi-gubi - 03-07-2005

woodson Wrote:I found it on another company selling anime

Dont order off them... They suck and are liars read this -

As for the company couldnt find it on their crappy site. Whta set was it? I wouldn't be suprised if they made it up for sets that had bad reviews so people think it's some new version. They tried to sell me and a load of others at AN 'r1s' that were listed as 4 disc and then shipping out 2 disc FX versions...

E-Series company - bmvtoys - 03-07-2005

all i see on there is Manga boxes..(MI) those are all mostly reprint boxes and i personally have never had any problems with them b

E-Series company - gubi-gubi - 03-07-2005

You don't mean where it says L/R Licensed By Royal (1-2 End) 2 DVD Set Eng Dub! 01-13 E0191? And the E0191 is what you mean? Think thats just a ref number for the set... Anyway the site is stupidly expensive and shipping is crap. Any store that lies shouldn't be supported...

E-Series company - bmvtoys - 03-07-2005

yeah they are quite expensive (now that i look at the prices)..the E are just the manga codes.. E is normal dub F is fx rip, and D is subtitle. B

E-Series company - woodson - 03-07-2005

Its under the new anime dubs and subs section I've had good dealings with them in the past and the prices are with shipping included which is a good thing if you only by one but bad if you make a large order. I like this place best though.

E-Series company - Cidien - 03-07-2005

woodson Wrote:Its under the new anime dubs and subs section I've had good dealings with them in the past and the prices are with shipping included which is a good thing if you only by one but bad if you make a large order. I like this place best though.


However now that they've started selling R1's but sending HKs I wont order from them ever again. That pisses me off. I'd be really angry if it happened to me.

P.S. they sell some sets less than JJ on ebay. Don't know how some sellers can sell like an fx lain box for $10 including shipping and still make money.

E-Series company - onizuka17711 - 03-07-2005

Cidien Wrote:P.S. they sell some sets less than JJ on ebay. Don't know how some sellers can sell like an fx lain box for $10 including shipping and still make money.
True...but come on man, you've gotta support the awesomeness that is JJ.