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Goodbye All - Ryo of Inferno - 03-01-2005

Well I think my posting phase here is mainly over. I really enjoyed this community but it

seems I'm getting busier and so is everyone else. I'll still be in contact through AIM and

Email. Mainly AIM I'll still visit from time to time. In other word I'm going the way of Rav.

Well later all. I'll miss you all, One thing to remember is to stay Legit. *Hammerdances

away while making the Too Legit To Quit signs.*

Goodbye All - Batz Kage - 03-01-2005

well, be seeing you I guess.

Goodbye All - Vicious - 03-01-2005

Ryo of Inferno Wrote:*Hammerdances away while making the Too Legit To Quit signs.*

Hahahahaahaha. Oh man. That is hilarious. The fact that he actually thinks that is cool. Hahahaha.

Goodbye All - onizuka17711 - 03-01-2005

Cruel as usual, I see :p .

And Ryo, we'll miss you.

Goodbye All - r00ster - 03-01-2005

...and with that, the strange little alien went back to his home planet, where he was more familiar with the "customs" and "nuances" of the culture around him.

Goodbye All - Puppet Master - 03-01-2005

r00ster Wrote:...and with that, the strange little alien went back to his home planet, where he was more familiar with the "customs" and "nuances" of the culture around him.

Ryo probally is from another planet...His home planet of Hammer

Goodbye All - r00ster - 03-01-2005

Puppet Master Wrote:Ryo probally is from another planet...His home planet of Hammer

He'll blow back home by harnessing the power of the solar winds with his parachute pants!

Goodbye All - Puppet Master - 03-01-2005

r00ster Wrote:He'll blow back home by harnessing the power of the solar winds with his parachute pants!

ha-ha-ha back to the only planet that considers them cool

Goodbye All - rav96 - 03-02-2005

See you till your post slut phase is back on! Wink

Goodbye All - Andromeda18_ - 03-04-2005

If you really hve to go make sure you come back once in a while to say 'hi' and let us know you're alive. :p You'll be missed. Sayonara! Sad

Goodbye All - Black Howling - 03-14-2005

Seeya around Ryo.

Goodbye All - Mantis421 - 03-14-2005

Its been fun take care

Goodbye All - katherine_jean - 03-14-2005

Cya Ryo, didnt know ya, but oh well..
Have fun on that Hammer Planet of yours.

Goodbye All - wrxh8r - 03-14-2005

C U.
I actually went back and listened to hammertime.Its the least i could do as a parting gift.The song is actually quite good when you think about it.