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Is this the Anime Cartoon/Manga International Website?? - Printable Version

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Is this the Anime Cartoon/Manga International Website?? - sk1nd0g - 02-08-2005

Was looking around the web and found this website was wondering if this is the main company website?? anybody know??

Is this the Anime Cartoon/Manga International Website?? - gubi-gubi - 02-08-2005

No I think thats a store that's been around for ages... There was this thread over at AN though with a site like that. The official MI used to be but that doesn't seem to be working...

Is this the Anime Cartoon/Manga International Website?? - sk1nd0g - 02-08-2005

cool, just wondering thats all

Is this the Anime Cartoon/Manga International Website?? - Cidien - 02-08-2005

gubi-gubi Wrote:No I think thats a store that's been around for ages... There was this thread over at AN though with a site like that. The official MI used to be but that doesn't seem to be working...

Noticed that too when I tried typing it in before...

Maybe all 3 companies are going to hell lol.

Is this the Anime Cartoon/Manga International Website?? - sk1nd0g - 02-09-2005

yeah that MI one does'nt work, but there is I think that is their main reseller