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Guyver? - kren - 10-11-2002

hello all, can I buy the Guyver complete collection on dvd. I don't see it on the site.

I watch like two movies so far, that is all I been able to find in the movie store.

Guyver? - JunkieJoe - 10-11-2002

Guyver HK Set:

someone said that its got like half the episodes PLUS the half is second half ... not from the beginning but rather from middle to end... so its kinda a disapointment, hence why i do not carry it in stock.

Guyver? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 10-11-2002

It's be released on affordable DVDs by Manga Entertainment. 2 discs for $30 each contain the entire series. Not to mention the series will have great translations as well as a dub. :mrgreen:

Guyver? - kren - 10-11-2002

steve do you know where I can buy this?

too bad they don't have that whole set here Junkie.

Thanks a lot guys,

Guyver? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 10-11-2002

Check the reference site

These DVDs are by an R1 company. So that should be in most stores or on the interent. :mrgreen: