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Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - jarjar111 - 01-09-2005

Fullmetal Alchemist Box 1, how are the video quailty and the subtitles for this box set? Do you think its worth getting? I really like this show but I am not how correct the subtitles are.. :confused:

Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - jarjar111 - 01-10-2005

Anybody? :confused:

Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - Last Exile - 01-10-2005

sorry not sure.
id say look at the reviews but there are none. check some other HK sites there are bound to be some reviews on other sites.


Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - jarjar111 - 01-10-2005

What do you think my % is of getting a good subtitles? Because they do come from the Japanese DVDs I think.. :confused:

I looked at your HK list, how are the subtitles for Naruto?

Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - jarjar111 - 01-11-2005

bump :confused:

Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - Last Exile - 01-12-2005

They are great but i dont havet that set i have another one i got it off ebay its a diffrent one i know cause it has eps. 1-98 on it. and also it was only 25$ great set though i love that series.

Your going to get subtitles no matter what its just your prefrence if you can read white ones or yellow. most are in yellow the smart ones do the crappy sets come with white which is hard to read but still can see what there saying.

so go on ebay and ask sellers of the set if there subbs are good and what color they are in.


Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - jarjar111 - 01-12-2005

Do you have four box sets? The first one is eps. 1-8 and the second one 9-16? Doesnt the show go up too 51 episodes, I dont know where you 98 from? :confused: How accurate are the subs?

Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - matthewmalay - 01-13-2005

AV = TV-rip with decent HK original subs, not great but they get point through. That's pretty much sums up about 90% of AV sets.

No subs on the original R2 DVDs.

Wait for the R1 to come out, if you've got no patience, get the fansubs instead.

Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - Last Exile - 01-14-2005

I got mine on ebay!
and well they all cam to gether in hard cases with paper slip covers. each case has 2 dvds in it and each DVD has 13 episode on it. and the subs are great ! only the second episode had white text which suked then the rest so far are yellow.


Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - vegeta76 - 01-14-2005

Last Exile Wrote:I got mine on ebay!
and well they all cam to gether in hard cases with paper slip covers. each case has 2 dvds in it and each DVD has 13 episode on it. and the subs are great ! only the second episode had white text which suked then the rest so far are yellow.


do you have the same set JJ has?

Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - jarjar111 - 01-14-2005

Are you talking about Fullmetal or Naruto? :confused:

Fullmetal Alchemist Japanese DVD Question - Last Exile - 01-20-2005

Naruto !
the set i bought isnt on this site. im not sure who made it there is no studio name on the case or disc.