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Shadow Hearts - Ryo of Inferno - 01-06-2005

Has anyone ever eard of this series of games? If you have which do you think is better,

the first or the second, which is called Covenant? I am currently playing the second one

and it seems to be ok. Anyway I look forward to your input. Thanks again.

Shadow Hearts - sk1nd0g - 01-31-2005

Shadow Hearts is the sequel to Koudelka on the PS1, her son appears in the London section of Shadow Hearts, It;s pretty good but if you are playing Covenant you already know the best features of shadow hearts,

Whats Covenant like? we don't get it for another month or so.

Shadow Hearts - desfunk - 01-31-2005

This is one of my favorite rpg series on the ps2. Both games are just fantastic, especially Covenant.

SH2 was EASILY the best rpg of last year. The storyline, locations, gameplay, and music were just all fantastic. IMO, it's also necessary to play 1 before 2. Because there are alot of returning characters from the first game in part 2. Hell! It's even better if you play Koudelka before all of them.

Shadow Hearts - Ryo of Inferno - 01-31-2005

desfunk Wrote:This is one of my favorite rpg series on the ps2. Both games are just fantastic, especially Covenant.

SH2 was EASILY the best rpg of last year. The storyline, locations, gameplay, and music were just all fantastic. IMO, it's also necessary to play 1 before 2. Because there are alot of returning characters from the first game in part 2. Hell! It's even better if you play Koudelka before all of them.

Maybe but the sidequest for Neo Amon sucks. It is soo irritating.