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anime trivia question - Mantis421 - 01-04-2005

In the intro credits of the FOX TV show Malcom in The Middle their is a flash of an anime character that grins. does anyone know from which anime this comes from???

anime trivia question - gubi-gubi - 01-04-2005

You just reminded me that I wanted to find that out ages ago lol... I searched and I think it's Nazca.

anime trivia question - evilomar - 01-04-2005

Good one, Mantis. I've got one...Which anime are used in the clips for Michael and Janet Jackson's Scream video?

anime trivia question - KS - 01-04-2005

The Scream one is easy; Akira. But I never watched Malcolm in the Middle.. I'm sure google could answer that Smile

Name the anime that played in the background of Madonna's concert that was aired on HBO like 3 years ago that caused so much controversy. There was another anime that played-name that one.

anime trivia question - katherine_jean - 01-05-2005

KS Wrote:The Scream one is easy; Akira. But I never watched Malcolm in the Middle.. I'm sure google could answer that Smile

Name the anime that played in the background of Madonna's concert that was aired on HBO like 3 years ago that caused so much controversy. There was another anime that played-name that one.

Hmm. I'mmostly likely mistaken, but for shits and it Perfect Blue?
I know that she's a fan of it, but I may be mistaken =P.

anime trivia question - KS - 01-05-2005

You're right Smile Good guess if you didn't know. I didn't know she was a fan of it, I just knew she played that at the concert, it was the staged rape scene in the background and people freaked.

anime trivia question - Seijuro Hiko - 01-05-2005

I have one, in the FOX TV show The O.C. (season 1) the blonde chick (Anna) refers to girl with black hair (Summer) as what anime character (is also the name of the anime movie)?

anime trivia question - katherine_jean - 01-06-2005

KS Wrote:You're right Smile Good guess if you didn't know. I didn't know she was a fan of it, I just knew she played that at the concert, it was the staged rape scene in the background and people freaked.

Haha, yay!
I can see why there would be controversy. But I wonder, was it with her, her company, or the public that made a big deal of it...?

And I don't watch the O.C. so I can't answer your question Hiko, sorry. Though, I would be interested in knowing =\

anime trivia question - gubi-gubi - 01-06-2005

Seijuro Hiko Wrote:I have one, in the FOX TV show The O.C. (season 1) the blonde chick (Anna) refers to girl with black hair (Summer) as what anime character (is also the name of the anime movie)?

Princess Mononoke!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe she said that it was weird...

anime trivia question - katherine_jean - 01-06-2005

gubi-gubi Wrote:Princess Mononoke!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe she said that it was weird...

Wow! Thats so cool XD
I love Princess Monoke. How is it that it wound up in the O.C like that? o.O

anime trivia question - gubi-gubi - 01-06-2005

katherine_jean Wrote:Wow! Thats so cool XD
I love Princess Monoke. How is it that it wound up in the O.C like that? o.O

They mention anime a few times... When they were off to TJ they lied and said they were going to a convention and that summer was going for the anime lol... Kinda makes me cringe though :o

anime trivia question - katherine_jean - 01-06-2005

gubi-gubi Wrote:They mention anime a few times... When they were off to TJ they lied and said they were going to a convention and that summer was going for the anime lol... Kinda makes me cringe though :o

Hmm, I guess I see your point.

I never actually watched the OC, mostly because I cant stand hearing about it every 5 seconds in school, from the girls who sit around me in some classes. I guess it would be neat if they didnt..heh.