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HK Anime @ Gamestop - Last Exile - 12-27-2004


I picked out a gungrave DVD at the local game stop, and I got sold an HK copy of the series. I have tried to sell them DVDs in the past and they have said they can only give me 1$ because it doesn?t say it?s in English. Which is funny because the description was in English and also said full box set dubbed. But I get home with this one and it is just all in Japanese, not even subbed. Anyone else ever see HK titles at Game stop?


HK Anime @ Gamestop - Puppet Master - 12-27-2004

Last Exile Wrote:Hey,

I picked out a gungrave DVD at the local game stop, and I got sold an HK copy of the series. I have tried to sell them DVDs in the past and they have said they can only give me 1$ because it doesn?t say it?s in English. Which is funny because the description was in English and also said full box set dubbed. But I get home with this one and it is just all in Japanese, not even subbed. Anyone else ever see HK titles at Game stop?


Never of course I rarely go to Gamestop to be honest. But the only places ive ever seen HKs offline is Too Cool at Fox Valley Mall and Disc Replay in Crest Hill...

HK Anime @ Gamestop - Slizerzak - 12-27-2004

Gamestop is the biggest rip in the world hard to believe they can actually stay in business i bought a game there once and got home and the CD was cracked but it was only on the first bottom layer so they could hide the crack and sell the game.

HK Anime @ Gamestop - Puppet Master - 12-27-2004

Slizerzak Wrote:Gamestop is the biggest rip in the world hard to believe they can actually stay in business i bought a game there once and got home and the CD was cracked but it was only on the first bottom layer so they could hide the crack and sell the game.

Were you able to get your $ back?

HK Anime @ Gamestop - Slizerzak - 12-27-2004

No i had to trade it for the same game but stocking something thats messed up is BS. I wish there was a store by my house that sold alot of anime but usually its big rip offs like 6 episodes for 25 bucks.

HK Anime @ Gamestop - Puppet Master - 12-27-2004

Slizerzak Wrote:No i had to trade it for the same game but stocking something thats messed up is BS. I wish there was a store by my house that sold alot of anime but usually its big rip offs like 6 episodes for 25 bucks.

I never buy anime new I usually end up buying it used for half the price. Got some really shitty deals too though so it does suck...

HK Anime @ Gamestop - Slizerzak - 12-27-2004

I like mine new but I hate how it cost so much HK may have some problems but for 80 bucks cheaper I can deal with a little drop in quality. Only thing that sucks about HK are DVDs with noticable problems like my ROD Complete DVD cd 2 makes a bunch of noise in my dvd drive but its really no problem just buy the 2nd cd for 10 more dollars which isnt bad still save tons of cash. I might buy the regular anime releases if they lowered the prices alittle and released entire series at once hate how they release another dvd every few months by the time the next dvd comes out youve already lost interrest in the series.

HK Anime @ Gamestop - Puppet Master - 12-27-2004

Slizerzak Wrote:I like mine new but I hate how it cost so much HK may have some problems but for 80 bucks cheaper I can deal with a little drop in quality. Only thing that sucks about HK are DVDs with noticable problems like my ROD Complete DVD cd 2 makes a bunch of noise in my dvd drive but its really no problem just buy the 2nd cd for 10 more dollars which isnt bad still save tons of cash. I might buy the regular anime releases if they lowered the prices alittle and released entire series at once hate how they release another dvd every few months by the time the next dvd comes out youve already lost interrest in the series.

What I hate is the fact that they do release them how they do because you usually end on a damn cliffhanger. R1s do cost too much or I would get those instead but I lack $...

HK Anime @ Gamestop - babyeater0 - 12-28-2004

I actually really like the hk's, the box art is normally better and i like the fact that there are more episodes to a disc. Of course there are some minor problems here and there (haha) but for the most part my box sets have been satisfactory.

HK Anime @ Gamestop - Last Exile - 12-28-2004

i like them as well but the dubbed gungrave set isnt out yet. if it were i would get it. i just got ripped off from gamestop cause it was the normal cover and the disc was an HK copy of the japanese dubb only. so they got screwed from who ever sold it to them and i did as well buying it, or getting it as a president.