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Systran? - gubi-gubi - 12-10-2004

I read somewhere that the HK subbers use a program called Systran to translate their subs (and that's why we get bad engrish subs). Is this true because I might try download it somewhere as at least it might translate a little of what is going on... Anyone know?

Systran? - WandererX12 - 12-11-2004

From the looks of it, Systran is nothing special. I don't know how it rates compared to other programs but it seems expensive enought that it damn well better work better than Bable Fish. It appears that you would still need a script in romanji, unless you can understand Japanese well enough by ear to spell it correctly. Unless it dosen't deal with romanji in which case you need to type kanji or whatever. Or copy and paste it.

On second thought, you could maybe pull somthing off with a bit of effort. It would at least be fun to mess around with. Provided you can bootleg a copy, I wouldnt risk buying it to find out it dosent work how you need it to. If you find a copy let me know cause now I'm curious as to what fun could be had.

Systran? - Last Exile - 12-11-2004

there is their website it looks like they are tied to Babel Fish they are owned by AltaVista. I think Babel Fish is good if you want a free service.


Systran? - gubi-gubi - 12-12-2004

Oh don't worry I wouldn't of been buying it Wink Yeh it looks fun to play around with... I read in a fansub forum that someone used it on the Chinese Appleseed 2004 subs and the subs were better than most hk subs... Would be good if you could get scripts off the net or although it seems hard work try rip them from R2 DVDs or something... Anyway im downloading it off DC++ so ill let you know what it's like.

Edit: Tested it out a bit and it seems good... Tested text from a few Japanese sites and it works but not great. I tested a french script of Princess Mononoke I got from Script Club and it looks pretty decent. I also tested it compared to babelfish and the difference is amazing. Babelfish's French translation was awful. Anyone know any sites that have Japanese, Chinese or Korean scripts of anime that might not have an English translation?