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Fist of the North Star TV (MI) and FF:Unlimited (AV)-decent? - Printable Version

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Fist of the North Star TV (MI) and FF:Unlimited (AV)-decent? - Duragon - 09-23-2002

I know that both of them are super new releases, but I was wondering if anyone had seen any of the Fist of the North Star TV by MI and if the subs and video were any good.

If anyone also has seen any of the recently released complete Final Fantasy:Unlimited set by AV (1-26), I don't suppose you could help a complete newbie and tell me if the subs and video on that release are any good also.

Sorry for bein' such a pain. Smile

Fist of the North Star TV (MI) and FF:Unlimited (AV)-decent? - vinnyracer - 09-28-2002

I just order the Final Fantasy:Unlimited set by AV (1-26), so I'll let you know with-in a week or two how the subtitle are on it.

Fist of the North Star TV (MI) and FF:Unlimited (AV)-decent? - Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 09-28-2002

Well check out the reviews for the Fist of the North Star Movie that's in Japanese. For some reason people put their reviews there.