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Are Monsters and Ghosts on Halloween Overdone? - Printable Version

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Are Monsters and Ghosts on Halloween Overdone? - Ryo of Inferno - 11-05-2004

Ok I know Halloween is over but I've just been thinking about this. I see people dressing

up as the same thing year after year and usually they are some kind of ghost,monster or

demon. Now I have nothing against this but I sure would like to see something more

original more original more often. For example, I would love to see some people dress up

as the Ghostbusters. Now that would be funny. If not this then a superhero or hero, robot,

or even something pertaining to real life. I know its the cultural norm to dress up as this

stuff but i would like to see some originality. Seems thats dying ot too quick these days.

Anyway tell me what you think.

Are Monsters and Ghosts on Halloween Overdone? - Puppet Master - 11-06-2004

Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Ok I know Halloween is over but I've just been thinking about this. I see people dressing

up as the same thing year after year and usually they are some kind of ghost,monster or

demon. Now I have nothing against this but I sure would like to see something more

original more original more often. For example, I would love to see some people dress up

as the Ghostbusters. Now that would be funny. If not this then a superhero or hero, robot,

or even something pertaining to real life. I know its the cultural norm to dress up as this

stuff but i would like to see some originality. Seems thats dying ot too quick these days.

Anyway tell me what you think.

I can't disagree with that...To me this ghost and monster crap just looks stupid... Rolleyes The last few years I went out I didnt buy costumes at all...Either I used the shit I had at home or got a few pieces and made something..More intresting than IMO...